Role and Function of Theory in Online Education Development and Delivery LRND 6820

September 3rd, 2010

Describe an online learning module that you feel was most beneficial to you. Describe one that was not (may include training or seminars online as well as online classes.
What do you feel makes a good online learning experience?

Elluminate is a great online learning module that I have used in the past. It can be useful for online, blended and face to face classes. With Elluminate you can participate in a live session, which gives you a virtual face to face experience, and if you can’t make it to the live session you can review the recorded session. You can also use it to review information that you were present for, but did not quite understand. This is great for difficult subject matter.
Dim Dim was another version of a virtual live learning, but the program did not work very well. The computer kept jumping back to the top of the text and it was difficult to follow the conversation. I would still consider it a good learning experience though, because I had the chance to see how technology can be a problem in online education.
A good online learning environment is similar to a face to face environment. Good organization of the material, a sensible flow of material, interesting material and presentation and the learner must come with an open mind for learning. Personally, I prefer some interaction and a little eye candy (graphics, images, diagrams, etc

One thought on “Role and Function of Theory in Online Education Development and Delivery LRND 6820

  1. mpartin
    4:08 pm - 9-7-2010

    check, check, check

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