Week 15: Still Working on Learning Module

December 6th, 2009

After weeks of re-working, re-writing and tweaking my learning module it is almost ready for the final post.  I am still working on finalizing and working out the technical hiccups, but the final  version is nearly complete.  It was interesting to read about and experiment with the various programs that can be used to design learning modules.

Week 14: Learning Module Take 3

December 1st, 2009

Well, I have been working on the learning module and as a digital immigrant I can tell you this technology stuff can be quite frustrating.  I decided to use a slide presentation with a voice overlay.  Originally I thought I could import a power point into the Articulate software, but had trouble.  Next I wrote a script and recorded on Audacity, but couldn’t get it to import.  Next I used the Audacity program to record the script, but again couldn’t get it to import.  I went back to using Audacity, but when I tried to copy and paste the contents of the slides I couldn’t get alot of my diagrams to copy and paste with all of the elements of the slide.  At this point I will look into other options, the deadline is Wednesday at midnight, so I am running out of time, options and patience, well maybe not patience yet, but definetely some what frustrated.