Week 13 – Learning Module take 2

November 24th, 2009

My learning module on the basic functions of an SLR has been posted in Power Point, but I am going to explore other programs that allow you to use voice over to narrate.  I also hope to use a programs that makes it a bit more “snazzy”.  The problem is I don’t have the technical background that some of my classmates seem to have.  When comparing my stuff with theirs it is obvious that they have experience with software and other computer based technology that I have not had.   Happy Thanksgiving.

Week 12: Learning Module Posted

November 19th, 2009

Well, I put together a power point to teach students how to use a Single Lens Refex Camera.  By mixing text and images together I hope to  keep the slide presentaion interesting.  After reading information from Mark Prensky and John Seely Brown about the new digital kid, I am was concerned with keeping the attention of this new generation of Digital Natives.  I decided to keep the text minimal and intermix images to help the viewer visually comprehend the technical components of exposure. 

The semester is getting busier and busier, but I have learned some new stuff and find all these computer based teaching options intriguing.  I hope to begin integrating them more and more into my class instruction.  Good Stuff.

Week 11: Learning Module Strategies

November 19th, 2009

I have been working on my learning module instructional design.  I decided to used the Elaboation Theory by Charles Reigeluth.  This theory presents information in layers and each layer elaborates on the previous layer.  This works perfectly for my learning module, which will teach students the basic information needed to use an SLR. 

I will begin by explaining what exposure is, what controls exposure, how to control exposure and how different exposure controls effect the final image, both technically and creatively. 

The semester is getting near the end an I am feeling the pain.  As I get busier and busier time management has been challenging.

Week 10: Keeping Up on the Learning Module

November 3rd, 2009

I have submitted and have been approved to build my learning module on the basic operation of a 35 mm camera, I have written my project Plan including the audience analysis, scope, proposed learning objectives  and outcomes and timeline.  Now, I have began working on the instructional and technical strategies, and the design model.  While I have some experience in teaching, I find it intriguing to teach a concept.  Sometimes you forget to describe a basic element and everything goes haywire.  I never had any formal education in teaching, so I guess I learned how to build a learning module the hard way.  These guidelines and theories get me thinking about better teaching strategies.

When it comes to teaching, I often remember a project I had in elementary school.  “Teach an Alien How to Make a Peanut Butter Sandwich”.  Oh, guess what,  this was an interactive project and it stuck with me all these years, hmmmm.  Anyway, the teacher picked one student to be the alien and he wasn’t allowed to do anything unless the class told him what to do, and the teacher told him to go ahead.  The teacher asked the class to describe to the alien how to make a peanut butter sandwich.  As students raised their hands she would call on them, and they would offer a suggestion, like ‘open the jar” oh but the teacher said, maybe the alien doesn’t know what a jar is? , so the student would describe the jar, and say specifically how to open the jar.  After the first 3 or 4 suggestions we got the idea.  In the end everyone got a peanut butter sandwich.  Good Stuff.