Week 9 More on Learning Modules

October 27th, 2009

As I continue to work on, and think about my learning module, I wonder if i should have picked something I could learn more about, instead of something I am familiar with.  At first I thought it would be a good idea to pick something familiar, so I could concentrate on the learning module rather than the subject,  but now I am wondering if I would have gotten more out of the project if I had picked something I wanted to know more about.  I guess I took the easy road.  Either way I am excited to create the module.  As I mentioned in my previous blog, I am excited to learn how to create these modules, so that I can update my own curriculum.

Week 8: Learning Module

October 21st, 2009

I have decided to propose a learning module that involves learning the basic functions of a 35 mm camera.  I would like to create a module that describes the way the aperture and shutter speed control exposure and also control depth of field and shutter speed.  I will use images to demonstrate the effect of changing both the aperture and shutter.  I am looking forward to creating this module and getting feedback from my students.  My goal is to be able to use this module and learn enough to create additional and more detailed modules that I can use to replace some of the outdated videos and slides that I used to use.  I have several videos that are so outdated that I can’t use them anymore, so I hope I can create something that will work to replace them.

Week 7: Fall Break

October 21st, 2009

This week was fall break and since I don’t come to campus, and I was continuing to work on assignments, and I still had to work , it didn’t really feel much like a break.  I guess I sort of wondered why I didn’t get an update from Terry, but just assumed she would get to us soon enough, and maybe she just wanted to give us a break.  Well I guess she did, since it was fall break. 🙂   Anyway, I have been thinking about what my interactive learning module will be and I am pretty sure it will have somethin to do with photography.  While I wouldn’t mind picking something different, I think the important part of the assignment is to learn how to develop a learning module.  I am excited and hope I can come up with a good idea.

Week 6: Personal Definition of Interactivity

October 6th, 2009

Interactivity –  The foundation of effective learning,  it must be instructional not just appealing,  it promotes engagement, and engagement promotes learning.

Mark Prensky has an interesting perspective on the idea that todays students think and process information differently.  I agree that students today learn differently than yesterdays students, but that has been true from generation to generation.  What I question is if students have always been bored with the learning structure, but have put up with it, because they wanted to learn. Older generations didn’t have the options that are available to students today.  Maybe students today feel enpowered to say “engage me or enrage me”, because they know they don’t have to be tuned in to get relevant information, they have it at their fingertips.

Prensky suggests that technological advancements have changed our kids level of engagement, he states that creating engagement is about ideas, but hasn’t that always been true.  What does technology have to do with engagement.  After reviewing all of the modules, I wasn’t all that engaged and they were all presented with technology.   Interactivity has always been a key component in teaching successfully. 

There is no doubt that digital technology has changed the world.  Todays students are different in their literacy with the computer, but fundamentally they are the same.   Learning designers need to learn to use new technology to present the information in new interactive ways; ways that will engage the learner.