Archive for October, 2009

Zombie attack

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

I believe that if my groups plan was an essay, it would convince readers to follow.  I believe this because the plan has benefits that zombies are defenseless against.  Such as cold whether, shot guns, and water.  This plan did not get a lot of counter arguments during discussion.  It would be easy to live in bass pro shoppe b/c there are so many supplies to use that it would take a lot of time for us to run out of supplies.

Problem that I can solve

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

A problem that I see in the world are bad environmental habits.  I feel this is important because if we don’t take care of this, it could lead to global warming and other bad things.  There are many things people can do help the environment such as recycling, reusing materials, and reduce the amount of everything we use.

Working thesis essay 3

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

My working thesis is:


A trend that I see in the world is college students acting out and causing trouble.  I feel this way because I have experienced it first hand.

Most proud of

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

In my essay, I am most proud that I have a lot of resources.  In my past essays, my biggest struggle has been to find good quotes and statistics.  I feel that I have a good amount in this paper

essay 3 thesis

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

I have not decided on a topic yet for this essay.  I have thought of many so I will put an example of one that I may consider.

A trend that I feel is coming back for Woman is the 80’s hair style.  I have seen it everywhere, from women in there teen years, all the way up to women in there 60’s.  I don’t know how this trend is coming back, but it is coming back with full force.


Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

I believe that my writing skills have improved.  I believe they have improved because I understand now that all writings that I will ever do need to have supporting facts.  I didn’t realize how important it was.  I have improved my proper sentence structure also.  I would like to improve more on my supporting sentences in all my essays.

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