Archive for September, 2009

essay topic 2

Monday, September 21st, 2009

For essay #2, my topic is going to be that BGSU needs to have

more of the Emergency Blue posts all through out the campus.


Thursday, September 10th, 2009

The changes I need to to make in my organization is to make my introduction paragraph and thesis statement in the order that I’m going to address it in the paper.

peer review

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

I learned from my peer review that I need to work on my use of repeating myself through out the paper.  I also need to work on my proper use of the word “there”. I plan to focus on getting down to the deatils of why I feel the way I do about my topic. I will use more specific details, and also have more facts and stats through out my next essay.

essay topic

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

For this essay, I am going to write about an organization for sports lovers that didn’t sign up to play in college.  This is a good idea for a paper because I have learned from many people that they love to play sports, but didn’t want it to interfere with their school work.

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