Essay #2-Parental Access to Teen Internet Accounts

According to the United Nations there are approximately some 750,000 sexual predators on the internet and according to there are approximately 2,000 children between the ages of 9 and 14 have some type of cyber-bullying in the United State. This generations children is the first generation that we will actually be able to say grew up on the internet. So when parents are wanting to their children to allow them access to their Facebook , MySpace and other various internet accounts, why are teens getting so worked up about this?

Most teenagers, today, use the internet as a way to, sometimes, live completely different lives. There is maybe something that they do not like about themselves that on the internet they can alter to something better. On the internet teenagers can carry on fully conversations with their friends without even having to be near them. It works just like a cell phone but with limitless search powers. Most teens argue that their parents are invading their privacy and are not allowing them to live their lives if the teens give their parents access to their accounts. Teens will sometimes argue that if they are not allowed to be in their parents private conversations then their parents should not be allowed in their private internet accounts.

What most teens do not realize is that a private parental conversation cannot lead to cyber-bullies or internet pedophiles. It is private so it is going to stay in the household or within the family. Once something is on the internet is on their forever. If someone thinks they delete it, it is not deleted and anyone can get to it if they have enough computer knowledge. So anything is possible to get to and it can be a matter of moments before someones who life can be ruined.

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