Outlining the Frontline Video

Watching this video was very interesting to me. It, primarily, has to do with my generation. When the video said that my generation is the first generation to “grow up on the internet“, they were telling the truth. I have not had the internet my whole life, but i used it in school everyday and i became very accustomed to it. The speakers in the video made some very valid points. For instance, there are sexual predetors out there and sometimes things can cloud a teenagers judgment and that teenager may give out an address or a phone number and now that predetor knows where they live. What the speakers are forgetting, though, is that even when you buy something online and have it shipped to your house, you are still taking a risk of having your idenity stolen or having you house broken into. Kids are not the only ones at risk. Now a days almost anything can be hacked into. With just a few clicks someone can know your whole life story and you may not even know about it. Also, like the students said, most of us know when someone is trying to find out where we live and we know that person is  threat and we know not to give them that information.  Sometimes adults don’t give us as much credit as we deserve. My mom trusts me completely and has never asked me for any of my passwords because she trusts me and she know that I won’t do anything that could bring some type of harm.

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