My Plan for Revising

After reading over the paper that my peer filled out, I was kind of puzzled. I thought I wrote a very good essay and I did not thini it would take that much revising at all. As I read through her thoughts and notes and then I read back over my essay, I found out she was right. She told me that there were things that she thought I should remove and then there were things she said she thought I shoudl put in. This way it would hold on to the reader’s attention. On the peer review she said my essay was very attention grabbing but then she told me that there were some parts that were kind of confusing and it made it difficult to follow along. When I looked at my rough draft I realized shad left me a few comment boxes. I am going to take them in to consideration. They were verygood comments and they made me really think about how to go about fixing my essay.  The length was something i struggled with majorly. I am hoping that with my peers comments she will be able to help me shorten it. This essay is one that is very important to me so I am going to try my best to fix so that I can get an “A” on it!!!

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