Archive for September, 2009

Academic Honesty and Integrity

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

-Academic Honest means coming up with your own work.

-If there is someone else’s work in the text, then proper citation needs to be added.

-Bribing or threatening a teacher, another staff member, or a student is wrong and can have serious consequences.

-Even if there is going to be paraphrasing in the text, there still needs to proper citation.

-Copying and pasting a work or works into a text or making the work the text is plagiarism.

-Academic honesty is something that is expected of any college and will have severe consequences if challenged.

Essay #2-Parental Access to Teen Internet Accounts

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

According to the United Nations there are approximately some 750,000 sexual predators on the internet and according to there are approximately 2,000 children between the ages of 9 and 14 have some type of cyber-bullying in the United State. This generations children is the first generation that we will actually be able to say grew up on the internet. So when parents are wanting to their children to allow them access to their Facebook , MySpace and other various internet accounts, why are teens getting so worked up about this?

Most teenagers, today, use the internet as a way to, sometimes, live completely different lives. There is maybe something that they do not like about themselves that on the internet they can alter to something better. On the internet teenagers can carry on fully conversations with their friends without even having to be near them. It works just like a cell phone but with limitless search powers. Most teens argue that their parents are invading their privacy and are not allowing them to live their lives if the teens give their parents access to their accounts. Teens will sometimes argue that if they are not allowed to be in their parents private conversations then their parents should not be allowed in their private internet accounts.

What most teens do not realize is that a private parental conversation cannot lead to cyber-bullies or internet pedophiles. It is private so it is going to stay in the household or within the family. Once something is on the internet is on their forever. If someone thinks they delete it, it is not deleted and anyone can get to it if they have enough computer knowledge. So anything is possible to get to and it can be a matter of moments before someones who life can be ruined.

Outlining the Frontline Video

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Watching this video was very interesting to me. It, primarily, has to do with my generation. When the video said that my generation is the first generation to “grow up on the internet“, they were telling the truth. I have not had the internet my whole life, but i used it in school everyday and i became very accustomed to it. The speakers in the video made some very valid points. For instance, there are sexual predetors out there and sometimes things can cloud a teenagers judgment and that teenager may give out an address or a phone number and now that predetor knows where they live. What the speakers are forgetting, though, is that even when you buy something online and have it shipped to your house, you are still taking a risk of having your idenity stolen or having you house broken into. Kids are not the only ones at risk. Now a days almost anything can be hacked into. With just a few clicks someone can know your whole life story and you may not even know about it. Also, like the students said, most of us know when someone is trying to find out where we live and we know that person is  threat and we know not to give them that information.  Sometimes adults don’t give us as much credit as we deserve. My mom trusts me completely and has never asked me for any of my passwords because she trusts me and she know that I won’t do anything that could bring some type of harm.

Revision Guidelines-Is It Clear What This Paper Is About?

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

I am picking the “Is It Clear What This Paper Is About” revision guideline because when my peer posted the comments on my essay, the comments mostly stated areas that were unclear. She also told me that she was unsure what my story was about because of how in depth I was in the first paragraph.

My Plan for Revising

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

After reading over the paper that my peer filled out, I was kind of puzzled. I thought I wrote a very good essay and I did not thini it would take that much revising at all. As I read through her thoughts and notes and then I read back over my essay, I found out she was right. She told me that there were things that she thought I should remove and then there were things she said she thought I shoudl put in. This way it would hold on to the reader’s attention. On the peer review she said my essay was very attention grabbing but then she told me that there were some parts that were kind of confusing and it made it difficult to follow along. When I looked at my rough draft I realized shad left me a few comment boxes. I am going to take them in to consideration. They were verygood comments and they made me really think about how to go about fixing my essay.  The length was something i struggled with majorly. I am hoping that with my peers comments she will be able to help me shorten it. This essay is one that is very important to me so I am going to try my best to fix so that I can get an “A” on it!!!

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