In chapter the underlying theme of the chapter is the convenience in which our society revolves around today.  This is a huge issue that our generation takes for granted nowadays.  Before the advent of computers and technology it was very hard for people to communicate across the world.  Nowadays with the advancement of technology we are not only supposed to read, consequently, we have to blog about the readings to instead of a discussion.  This makes the information that we pass along accessible through the electronic means.  Anybody could come across my blog to find information regarding SL, they could make educated inferences without even entering the virtual world. 

Is this making life easier for our cohort?  I believe it is rapidly making us as a race more intelligent.  However, the means in which we have to learn these lessons is growing at a faster pace also.  Along with these resources that kids are now growing up with comes alot of responsibility also.  It is the responsibity to retain all of this information and relay in a meaningful way for generations to come.  Hence, this blog.

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