After watching the CNN documentary, Autism is a World, I came away with a lot of respect for Sue Rubin. Sue’s story was very impressive. One of the neat things I noticed at the end of the film was that Sue was listed as the writer.

While the introduction to the documentary made it clear that the story was Sue’s personal narrative and she was explaining it, the simple reminder of who the writer was, made me stop and think how awesome it was for her to write the dialogue for a short-film while also having to deal with Autism. Especially how Sue essentially explained that Autism can “suck” one into a zone, as evidenced by her standing over the sink pouring water over spoons.

Overall, Sue’s story is impressive. She had to battle against being improperly identified as mentally retarded and then once finding out that she was not, had to learn how to properly deal with Autism. Sue’s personal webpage ( has the title of, “Living and Thoroughly Enjoying Life in Spite of Autism.” Sue has definitely not let Autism get the best of her and it is very impressive that she has accomplished so much by making others aware of her situation and how she can help them.