In my sociology class, my class is currently learning about statuses. In life, we maintain several statuses. The following are statuses: Gender, age, race, and occupation. Additionally, one can hold several statuses in life. For example, one can be a male and work as a teacher. 

However, some statuses are more distinct and more identifiable than others. People with disabilities often hold the master status of being disabled, meaning their disability determines how others perceive them and generally tops all other statuses they maintain. 

In the text for my class, the author mentions Stephen Hawking. Hawking, who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease, is also a physicist, and according to the author, ranks with the likes of Albert Einstein. Therefore, Hawking maintains two master statuses: being disabled and top physicist. 

This distinction made me think of Stephen Hawking in a new light. Previously, I always thought of him as a man with a disability. However, looking beyond the obvious master status, I also have realized he is a physicist too.