Category Archives: Uncategorized

Progress (11/21)

Animation about 3/4 the way done. The beginning is fleshed out up until the bond is introduced. I’ve worked in some sound, still trying to figure out what else to add to help fill the silence. TO DO: * add … Continue reading

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Progress 11/7

Still working on details of the opening illustration. Worked in a sky background – pulled all the images into after effects to begin working on the animation. Have animated the two trees, established 3D camera movement, rotated the sky, and … Continue reading

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Progress 10/17 (post individual meeting)

After presenting my new narrative and rough storyboard in class, I have reworked the wording of my narrative a little bit and plan to draw out a cleaner more finalized storyboard by the group critique next week. I will no … Continue reading

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Post Midterm Critique

After midterm critique, I’ve really had to rethink the way in which I execute my concept. I had presented the idea of a linear narrative in the form of 10 animated gifs. While my concept is still a good one … Continue reading

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Group Critique 10/03

Over the weekend I spent a lot of time trying to jot down the main stages of life I wanted to focus on. I decided to break it down into 4 parts: womb, kids, teens, and adult (present). Each stage … Continue reading

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Project 1: Artist Research

Artist 1: Name: John Nevarez What: Concept and storyboard artist Where: Visual Development and Story Artist at Sony Pictures Animation / Freelance Story Artist at Illumination Entertainment Past: Art Director at Ken Duncan Studios / Freelance Concept Location Designer at … Continue reading

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Mouth Study

  This study I spent another 12 minutes or so looking at the mouth of one of my classmates. Out of the three studies (Eyes, Nose, and Mouth) this one was the most difficult for me. There is a lot … Continue reading

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Nose Study

  This study I completed similarly to the eye study. Again, I spent about 12 minutes studying and trying to recreate the nose of one of my classmates at different angles. I hope to continue to capture the different variations … Continue reading

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Eye Study

For this study, I spent about 12 minutes trying to capture the different characteristics of the eyes of one of my classmates. At first I had her just stare blankly, and then had her smile to see the difference it … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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