Cloud Computing

Posted in Class Assignments on December 6th, 2010 by mdietz

Introduction To Cloud Computing from Liming Liu

Presentation by Liming Liu

I used this introductory slideshare to try and wrap my head around the cloud computing concept.   I’d consider myself pretty tech savy and knowledgeable in the terminology area but the best way I can think of CC is a large network of pay to use software.  Rather than purchasing individual programs I consider CC like a larger more enhanced version of Itunes.  On Itunes you can purchase entire cd’s or tv series, or individual episodes and songs.  This would extend to applications and other programs in a CC network.  I’m not fully sure if this what CC is about but before I would ever consider using such an open network the presentations warn about security, privacy and regulation, however I also found that many large technology companies are getting involved with CC so it will be something to watch for in the future.

Journal of Virtual Worlds

Posted in Class Assignments on December 6th, 2010 by mdietz

Article Information

“Virtual Worlds Research: Consumer Behavior in Virtual Worlds”
November 2008
On the Relationship between My Avatar and Myself
Paul R. Messinger, School of Business, University of Alberta;
Xin Ge, School of Business, University of Northern British Columbia;
Eleni Stroulia, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta;
Kelly Lyons, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto;
Kristen Smirnov, and Michael Bone, School of Business, University of Alberta

Why did you select this article (approx. 50-75 words)?

Being exposed to Second Life during this class and another class that I took 2 years I am interested in the relationship between the avatar and the person who creates them.  I have noticed significant thought goes into this selection and their is usually a full story about the reasoning behind the creation of the avatar.    I wanted to further read about what others say about the relationship between the user and their avatar.

Provide a one paragraph summary of the article. Do not copy the abstract.

The purpose and research for this article asked the question if through their avatars, people project images of themselves that are similar to or dramatically different from their real-world images.

The research method that was used was a survey that could be accessed by people in the Second Life world.  It was located on a certain island and people could come up to the billboard and access the survey.  They received Linden dollars for compensation for their time.  The researchers also used a totally randomized way of searching SL users and asking them participate in the survey to ensure they had a random and fair sample.

Their finding showed that on the basis of multiple dimensions of attractiveness that the avatars were more attractive than their users.  On multiple dimensions of similarity including age and height the majority kept their avatars similar to their physical bodies.  Overall the results found that people base their avatars around themselves however some enhancements are made.

Give an example of how you may use the ideas in this presentation in the business education classroom. Be specific with the content area, etc.

I think using a Second Life type simulation could be used to communicate and hold class in a virtual environment but also could be used to teach business and set up a virtual business around the same ideas of real life business.

Give an example of how the ideas in this presentation may transfer to the business/industry/health care environment.

I have heard for health care people using Second Life and creating avatars that can walk if they are wheel chair bound in real life.  Also, real business market to the users of Second Life.

What is your opinion of this research

After reading about the findings of the article I think the research is pretty accurate and if I participated in the program I would probably base my avatar around the same ideas that most others use.  I think it is very interesting to also read research about how others approach avatars and how they create them.

Apendix C

Posted in Class Assignments on November 29th, 2010 by mdietz

1. How could you create a similar experience for any business education curriculum and/or course?

In a business class the class could use individual wiki’s to take notes on their laptops.  Then, after class students could compare notes on various subjects to help with each others’ learning.  They could form teams of students that would also compare notes, work on projects together, and help teach each other more difficult topics.  The teachers in the business education area could also blog briefly about the class, how the day went and attach some of the files that were used in class that day.

2. What do you think is a strength of his scenario?

The strength of the scenario is that all of the education is shared.  Collaboration on this level is so large and useful that everyone from the top administrators to the teachers and student’s benefit.  This is an ideal scenario in education that as long as all of the cogs in the machine do their part.  If one link of this learning unit slacks all others are affected.

3. What do you think is a weakness of his scenario?
Like I touched on in the previous answer is that this learning cycle is inter-dependent on each of their parts.  If one aspect of the cycles, one teacher doesn’t hold up their end of the chain then the other parts are affected and the link will eventually lose its integrity and usefulness.

Chapter 9

Posted in Class Assignments on November 22nd, 2010 by mdietz

Chapter 9 is all about the transition to school 2.0.  I was recently at work at Buffalo Wild Wings where it isn’t uncommon for teachers from the Ohio Virtual Academy to come in to eat and work for the afternoon.  I was able to talk to them briefly and and observe their “classroom” (the conference room) and have a little discussion with them about their feelings.  Without going into details they basically said they enjoyed the freedom it allowed it but currently at the teacher level their workload is very high with the school being in high demand but not enough teachers.  My feelings about all of this information and what the book proposes as the future of education seems to be that the current system is very mixed.

It seems to me like the ability to switch to a internet classroom is there and that there are people willing to take part in it but at the same time are we preparing our teachers to be online teachers who follow another person’s teaching materials like we heard about in class?  Will future teachers present web classes and lessons as apposed to being observed in real classrooms?  I have my own reservations about making this technological age we live already into the only way we live beginning with first grade.   Turning the one institution that requires face to face communication and life skills into something that can be done without leaving bedrooms I think won’t have positive benefits long term.

I think of changing school into a totally online and non face to face meeting place like a future sci-fi movie.  Kids will stay in little pod rooms and learn and play video games and interaction with others will be done entirely via video conferencing.  It seems a little far-fetched but I don’t think its unrealistic to think that its possible further down the road as trends in education change.

Chapter 8

Posted in Class Assignments on November 8th, 2010 by mdietz

I have heard about the digital divide in a few other education classes I have taken.  I enjoyed the statistics that 70% of White and Asian-American children have internet access at home while only 40% of Indian, Hispanic, and African-American students have the same access.  Teachers will need to be very aware of their classes and students and possibly even ask on the student’s information sheet if they have a computer and internet access at home when thinking about incorporating technology and assigning work.  You don’t want to assign projects involving technology if the students don’t have it available at home.

Using technology and creating authentic assessments can prepare students for standardized tests.  I never thought that this was totally possible or accurate but after reading this section I can see how the two are related.  I think using videos of interviews and observing and critiquing them could help business students prepare for standardized tests and all of the different parts of interviews.

Chapter 7

Posted in Class Assignments on October 25th, 2010 by mdietz

My first thoughts from this chapter are about the cyber quiz.  I remember in high school having to sign an acceptable use form to be able to use the internet at school but I think it also might be valuable for students to take some sort of quiz like this to be able to use the internet.  It may seem redundant and mundane for students in this age of technology that we live in but a reinforcement of the rules and proper procedures for internet use could never hurt the students and it would be best applied at the beginning of the school year and as a requirement for the students to be able to access the internet.

I also analyzed table 7.1 – Is It Stealing?.  I thought it was interesting that across the board all ages found it to be stealing more often if the item was comparatively more expensive.  All of the questions, Cd compared to DVD, music to movies, and less or greater than $20, the lower priced item was thought to be stealing less than the other.  I think this is an interesting study of our society.  It is almost as though petty crimes are considered less important crimes as compared to higher value ones.

I also enjoyed reading about the intricacies of the law regarding copyrights and the other issues associated with technology, file sharing and the internet.  It seems like a very complex issue that will never have definite guidelines and rules with technology and internet being so fluid and every changing.

Presentation and Online learning

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

Designing Online Learning, Web 2.0 and Online Learning Resources

Sanjaya Mishra

I selected this presentation because I was initially interested to try to relate some of the material we have been learning about in our web2.0 book to another person’s presentation and ideas.

Much of the information covered in this presentation was knowledge that I already had or had learned in the book.  However, I really like this website as a way for people to share ideas and work with one another.  I have been hearing and reading so much about the importance of collaboration and the abilities that web2.0 has to support this.  This website is a prime example of that and for any student or teaching looking to enhance their own learning from the work of others this website would be perfect.

The presentation itself I thought was very well crafted as well as information filled, while not being too cluttered.  Every page had a vast amount of information about topics while avoiding the long sentences and paragraphs that we sometimes put in PowerPoints.  I think presentations are most effective when precise with their words and explanations and longer ideas are said by the presenter.

Journal of Interactive and Online Learning

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

Fostering Self-Efficacy through Time
Management in an Online Learning Environment
Krista P. Terry
Radford University

Peter E. Doolittle
Virginia Tech

I was intrigued by this article because I will admit that sometimes my time management skills in an online learning environment are lacking and if its possibly an issue with my own self-efficacy.  I considered while looking through this if keeping track of my time spent working and the responses I received would change my self-efficacy any in my life.

The study found that while learning time increased that the self-efficacy of the student did not necessarily increase.  This interested me because I personally think that when I am using my time wisely, and being praised for my work at my self-efficacy would increase.  I am always motivated most when I receive feedback from an instructor, good or bad.  However, my personal issue lies in discipline and self-management of my time.

This article and reflection brought to life possible areas of improvement for me and online learning.  Anytime learning and assignments are not done in the classroom I struggle with deadlines and I will look to change this by using some sort of measure for my time-management and setting times to complete assignments routinely rather than sporadically.

Chapter 6

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

This chapter intrigued me on multiple levels.  We have learned about new technologies in previous chapters and strategies to use them effectively.  This chapter explains how to implement them and to an extent who should be leading this.  I think it is interesting to understand the dynamics of how a classroom gets new computers or why a district would upgrade software or install new hardware.  I think its all about the dollar in the end, but that sometimes expressing technologies importance to education can also lead to upgrades.  I also believe from the classroom teachers to the superintendent everyone needs to be involved and knowledgeable about technology needs and where improvements can be made.

Again in this chapter there was mention of another aspect of education using technology.  This time it was the administrators and blogging.  I guess the question I posed for the last chapter’s Twitter will continue to be explored in each chapter.

Chapter 5

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

The first aspect of this chapter that I wanted to mention was the fact that it was about professional development.  Currently my CMT is reworking the entire professional development and in-service days for the Sylvania schools.  His program, High Schools at Work, is a multi-year process and I enjoyed relating some of the information he talks about to its uses and relating it to the text.

The second part of this chapter is how I am finding and learning that the book continues to relate technologies like wiki’s, blogs, and pod casts to all areas of education.  Not only have we learned how to use them in our own classrooms and for our lessons, but the book also explains its uses for the area of professional development.

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