Presentation and Online learning

Designing Online Learning, Web 2.0 and Online Learning Resources

Sanjaya Mishra

I selected this presentation because I was initially interested to try to relate some of the material we have been learning about in our web2.0 book to another person’s presentation and ideas.

Much of the information covered in this presentation was knowledge that I already had or had learned in the book.  However, I really like this website as a way for people to share ideas and work with one another.  I have been hearing and reading so much about the importance of collaboration and the abilities that web2.0 has to support this.  This website is a prime example of that and for any student or teaching looking to enhance their own learning from the work of others this website would be perfect.

The presentation itself I thought was very well crafted as well as information filled, while not being too cluttered.  Every page had a vast amount of information about topics while avoiding the long sentences and paragraphs that we sometimes put in PowerPoints.  I think presentations are most effective when precise with their words and explanations and longer ideas are said by the presenter.

One thought on “Presentation and Online learning

  1. ctusing
    10:45 am - 10-18-2010

    Collaborating ideas make it so much easier to communicate other peoples ideas on a similar topic. Improving classroom teaching comes with sharing ideas with other classroom teachers.

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