Chapter 7

Posted in Class Assignments on October 25th, 2010 by mdietz

My first thoughts from this chapter are about the cyber quiz.  I remember in high school having to sign an acceptable use form to be able to use the internet at school but I think it also might be valuable for students to take some sort of quiz like this to be able to use the internet.  It may seem redundant and mundane for students in this age of technology that we live in but a reinforcement of the rules and proper procedures for internet use could never hurt the students and it would be best applied at the beginning of the school year and as a requirement for the students to be able to access the internet.

I also analyzed table 7.1 – Is It Stealing?.  I thought it was interesting that across the board all ages found it to be stealing more often if the item was comparatively more expensive.  All of the questions, Cd compared to DVD, music to movies, and less or greater than $20, the lower priced item was thought to be stealing less than the other.  I think this is an interesting study of our society.  It is almost as though petty crimes are considered less important crimes as compared to higher value ones.

I also enjoyed reading about the intricacies of the law regarding copyrights and the other issues associated with technology, file sharing and the internet.  It seems like a very complex issue that will never have definite guidelines and rules with technology and internet being so fluid and every changing.

Presentation and Online learning

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

Designing Online Learning, Web 2.0 and Online Learning Resources

Sanjaya Mishra

I selected this presentation because I was initially interested to try to relate some of the material we have been learning about in our web2.0 book to another person’s presentation and ideas.

Much of the information covered in this presentation was knowledge that I already had or had learned in the book.  However, I really like this website as a way for people to share ideas and work with one another.  I have been hearing and reading so much about the importance of collaboration and the abilities that web2.0 has to support this.  This website is a prime example of that and for any student or teaching looking to enhance their own learning from the work of others this website would be perfect.

The presentation itself I thought was very well crafted as well as information filled, while not being too cluttered.  Every page had a vast amount of information about topics while avoiding the long sentences and paragraphs that we sometimes put in PowerPoints.  I think presentations are most effective when precise with their words and explanations and longer ideas are said by the presenter.

Journal of Interactive and Online Learning

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

Fostering Self-Efficacy through Time
Management in an Online Learning Environment
Krista P. Terry
Radford University

Peter E. Doolittle
Virginia Tech

I was intrigued by this article because I will admit that sometimes my time management skills in an online learning environment are lacking and if its possibly an issue with my own self-efficacy.  I considered while looking through this if keeping track of my time spent working and the responses I received would change my self-efficacy any in my life.

The study found that while learning time increased that the self-efficacy of the student did not necessarily increase.  This interested me because I personally think that when I am using my time wisely, and being praised for my work at my self-efficacy would increase.  I am always motivated most when I receive feedback from an instructor, good or bad.  However, my personal issue lies in discipline and self-management of my time.

This article and reflection brought to life possible areas of improvement for me and online learning.  Anytime learning and assignments are not done in the classroom I struggle with deadlines and I will look to change this by using some sort of measure for my time-management and setting times to complete assignments routinely rather than sporadically.

Chapter 6

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

This chapter intrigued me on multiple levels.  We have learned about new technologies in previous chapters and strategies to use them effectively.  This chapter explains how to implement them and to an extent who should be leading this.  I think it is interesting to understand the dynamics of how a classroom gets new computers or why a district would upgrade software or install new hardware.  I think its all about the dollar in the end, but that sometimes expressing technologies importance to education can also lead to upgrades.  I also believe from the classroom teachers to the superintendent everyone needs to be involved and knowledgeable about technology needs and where improvements can be made.

Again in this chapter there was mention of another aspect of education using technology.  This time it was the administrators and blogging.  I guess the question I posed for the last chapter’s Twitter will continue to be explored in each chapter.

Chapter 5

Posted in Class Assignments on October 18th, 2010 by mdietz

The first aspect of this chapter that I wanted to mention was the fact that it was about professional development.  Currently my CMT is reworking the entire professional development and in-service days for the Sylvania schools.  His program, High Schools at Work, is a multi-year process and I enjoyed relating some of the information he talks about to its uses and relating it to the text.

The second part of this chapter is how I am finding and learning that the book continues to relate technologies like wiki’s, blogs, and pod casts to all areas of education.  Not only have we learned how to use them in our own classrooms and for our lessons, but the book also explains its uses for the area of professional development.

Personal Sales Pitch

Posted in Class Assignments on October 16th, 2010 by mdietz


Posted in Class Assignments on October 15th, 2010 by mdietz

DIetz Bus Ed

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