Chapter 4

I posted this as my question on Twitter and I wanted to give my own opinion on it in my blog.  The book mentions, ” the collapse of distinction between media forms and the societal effects”.   When I read about this I thought about so sites like Youtube and Facebook that started out purely as social media have since become forms of credible media and news and education sources.  I know Youtube has hosted Presidential news conferences live, the President also has a Twitter.  I find it interesting to think about and I consider where a distinctive line can be drawn between using Youtube in school too look at funny videos or to watch the news or learn a lesson on how to use the computer.  How can schools block these educational tools because of certain content on them when they can be valuable teaching tools?

I think that the use of wiki’s and blogs, much like we do in this class, is a valuable tool for the reflection of student learning.  Reflection is a huge part of the learning process and when I consider how to use it in my classroom I think using blogs for reflectionwould be a perfect blending of technology in the classroom.

One thought on “Chapter 4

  1. ctusing
    2:53 pm - 9-20-2010

    A good point is to be made on youtube. Most people do use it as a humerous device, but it can also be very benifical in the classroom with relating topics to the students.

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