Mark Forristell
Another amazing bgsu blog

Climbing Wall Reflection

April 8th, 2009 by markpf

I was surprised that the university actually apporved buildings a rock climbing wall at the recreation center.  I feel that the administration always tries to watch their own ass when it comes to ammenities on campus.  I would have thought that the danger associated with the rock wall, the liability and total cost of custruction would have all been major deterants.  Nonetheless,  I think that it was a good addition to the campus.  Just from taking recreation classes I have met plenty of people in the major that use the rock wall and some that even work at it.

Posted in Assignments

2 thoughts on “Climbing Wall Reflection

  1. tbrian
    10:51 pm - 4-8-2009

    Hey I like what you had to say about the climbing wall. And I like the way that your blog is put together. Good job!

  2. tbrian
    10:56 pm - 4-8-2009

    Do you think that there is anything else that the outdoor program can improve on for the climbing wall?

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