Homecoming Symposium Reflection
I attended the instructional seminar on Friday morning at 9:00 am and Jackie Hardy taught the seminar. The seminar was a hands-on class where we were taught different games to teach with children. Although I am not an education major, it was nice to learn these activities because it could be used for team building in a business atmosphere.
We learned the “Titanic Challenge”. In order to complete this activity successfully, we had to get to the “shore” without getting in the water. In doing so, we had to go through hula hoops to get our entire team to the shore. The activity was all about strategy. This opens people’s minds to allow them to think outside of the box when it comes to coming up with ideas.
We were given a hand-out that gave us internet websites that had different games for us to look at for references if we were ever in need of a strategic team building situation.
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