ADA Scavenger Hunt

September 17th, 2010

While walking around the BGSU campus, I made myself look for different areas that are or are not in compliance with my understanding of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

Here is a list of compiled areas that I took a special look at:

-The elevators in the Union.  There are two different elevators, which I believe is enough for the size of the Student Union.  These two elevators give the disabled options as to which elevator to use, which ever is closest since there is an elevator on each side of the facility.

-There is a ramp to get in and out of Hayes Hall which sits slightly elevated. Once inside Hayes Hall, there is a ramp in the basement next to the stairs that make up for the elevated floor.

-At Stellar Field (baseball diamond), there is a ramp to get in and out of the grand stands.

-The education building has two elevators (located right next to each other) that are accessible to every floor of the building.

-East Hall (English Department) also has two elevators that are available to use.

-Jerome Library has a ramp on the side of the entrance that is available for people who cannot use the stairs.  Once inside, there are two elevators that are available to reach any of the floors (at some points, only one elevator is working).

Ramp on right side of entrance

-In the parking lot behind the Union, there are a lot of handicapped parking available. The only problem that I see is with the placement of these spaces. The first row of spaces are reserved for state and university vehicles.  The second and third row have reserved handicapped spaces that are located in the middle of these rows.  It is odd to me how the state and university vehicles are allowed to park closer to the building than the handicapped.

-Parking at the library and Anderson Arena allow for a lot of handicapped parking as well.  However, the placement of the parking spaces for the library work well. The spaces are in the front row and down by the library.  When it comes to handicapped parking for Anderson, there is only one spot that is a couple of spaces down.  The rest of the parking that is up close to the building, once again, is reserved for state and university vehicles.

-Olscamp Hall, which is a very busy student center only has one elevator.  There are three stair cases to get up to the second level.  The elevator is located in the middle of the building.

-University Hall has a ramp into the building right next to the stairs.