
Dec 14

FYI, the session recording from Monday night’s Elluminate session featuring project presentations by Ginnette and Misty has been posted the the course wiki here: http://digitallearningtheory.bgsu.wikispaces.net/Project+Presentation+Time+Signup (The recording starts two minutes into Misty’s session because I was so excited about hearing her presentation that I forgot to hit the “record” button in the control panel.) Feel free […]

Dec 13

I’ve heard from a couple of students suggesting they are just a little nervous about presenting on their class projects in Elluminate. If you are, too, or if you haven’t had much experience presenting in Elluminate, you may find it helpful to view this quick orientation before your presentation session: https://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2009-06-26.1517.M.99EDF43E5803C4369B4AA8829EF912.vcr (Once presenters are in […]

Dec 07

Below are links for participating in the live Elluminate sessions for presenting final LRND 6820 projects.   The rooms will open half an hour before the scheduled start times for presenters to login, upload any presentation materials, and test audio and video. Monday, December 13: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2009450&password=M.981B91A354C415AED5DEBB03A34CC7 Tuesday, December 14: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2009450&password=M.97E442711D32C5D3DA4B6A9062CA89 Wednesday, December 15: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2009450&password=M.594A4867094C2AF1F02F4EAFEEFA4A As […]

Dec 06

Hello, LRND 6820 students. A sign-up sheet for times for presenting your final projects has been posted to the course wiki (BGSU login required.) Please sign up for a time to present your project by entering “edit” mode and writing your name in the appropriate space.   While you’re on the wiki page, please also […]

Nov 29

Hello, LRND 6820 students. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday and are coming back from the break rested and ready for an interesting conversation this week. We’ll be exploring the theory of connectivism, starting with a reading of George Siemens’ Connectivism: A New Learning Theory for the Digital Age. As you recall, we […]

Nov 15

This Week Our reading this week is from Roy Pea on Practices of Distributed Intelligence and Designs for Learning (wiki login required.) Matt will be serving as our discussion facilitator this week, so please check out the overview Prezi he has prepared for us below.  Please use Matt’s blog post on this topic as the […]

Nov 02

Hello all, Following up on yesterday’s post, I wanted to add just a few of my own random thoughts on UDL based on the discussion and activities last week, and share a few reminders about the PLE presentations next week. The Week That Was Frank provided an excellent introduction to the principles of Universal Design […]

Nov 01

Hello, all. Your faithful instructor has been felled by a crushing cold bug and associated headache, so the full “weekly” will be delayed until tomorrow following a couple of rounds of orange juice and NyQuil (but not in the same glass, because that would be gross.) For now, though, take a peek at the overview […]

Oct 25

Hello again.  It’s week 10 in LRND 6820.  Happy early Halloween to everyone! With the warm weather here in Columbus the last few days, it’s hard to believe that the end of October is almost here despite the daily loss of daylight hours.  The semester is flying by! The Week That WasAs you know, last […]

Oct 21

Great job on the VoiceThread debates.  I have been reading up on this topic for quite awhile now, but you exposed me to arguments and research I haven’t encountered before.  You’ve given me quite a bit of new reading material to explore! Now that the formal debate is over (although you should feel free to […]

LRND 6820