Oct 07

LRND6820 Students: Below are the “teams” for the VoiceThread debate assignment.  I decided to put together only two teams, so you’ll have an extra partner or two with whom to share ideas (and work!)  The teams were drawn by lottery, and then I flipped a coin to determine which team would argue which side of the debate.

For a refresher on what this project entails as well as links to tutorials on VoiceThread, please see this page on our class wiki.

I highly recommend that each group set up a group on Diigo, Google, or Wikispaces to use as a shared resource for coordinating work, compiling shared research resources, and plotting strategy.

Affirmative Team

(Arguing that the Web is, overall, making us “shallower” thinkers.)

  • Wes
  • Frank
  • Melissa
  • Ian
  • Rachel
  • Misty

Negative Team

(Refuting Carr and company and arguing that the Web is, overall, making us smarter, better thinkers.)

  • Breanna
  • Matt
  • Aaron
  • Ginnette
  • Sharon

Good luck, play fair, and let me know if you have questions.

See original post on Posterous at http://lrnd6820.posterous.com/voicethread-debate-teams

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LRND 6820