Dec 06

Hello, LRND 6820 students.

A sign-up sheet for times for presenting your final projects has been posted to the course wiki (BGSU login required.)

Please sign up for a time to present your project by entering “edit” mode and writing your name in the appropriate space.  

While you’re on the wiki page, please also sign up to be a peer reviewer for at least three of your classmates’ projects.  (You are encouraged to view and comment on all of the presentations, but you are only “required” to participate in three of the reviews.)

I will be setting up Elluminate sessions for all of the time slots, which you may use to present your projects. However, if you would prefer to use something other than Elluminate to present, that’s fine, too.  Just let me and your peers know in advance how to access your session by posting instructions to your blog and tweeting a link to that post using the #lrnd6820 hashtag.  (If you plan to use Elluminate for your session, but have not previously presented using Elluminate, you may want to give yourself a practice session., a free, education-focused social network sponsored by Elluminate, gives each user a free “vRoom” with all of the Elluminate tools.  With the free account, you are limited to having only four people in your “vRoom” at a time, but it’s still a handy tool for practicing your Elluminate skills and working with small groups.)

Please remember to develop a brief (3-5 question) “feedback form” tailored to your project to collect comments and suggestions from viewers of your presentation.  (I suggest using something like the form creator in Google Docs for this purpose so you can share a link in your session and embed your form wherever you post your project.  Here’s a brief tutorial on how to create and share a form using Google Docs.)

As a reminder, your projects are due by midnight Sunday, December 12.  Projects can be “submitted” either by posting them to your blogs or to the “Research Projects” page on the course wiki.  Please remember that papers should be formatted in APA style, and should be accompanied by an annotated bibliography of your references.

If you have any last-minute questions about your projects, please feel free to e-mail me, send me a message on Twitter, or look for me on Skype.  

Good luck!  I look forward to reading your work and seeing your presentations.



See original post on Posterous at

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LRND 6820