Dec 13
I’ve heard from a couple of students suggesting they are just a little nervous about presenting on their class projects in Elluminate.

If you are, too, or if you haven’t had much experience presenting in Elluminate, you may find it helpful to view this quick orientation before your presentation session:

(Once presenters are in the session, I will grant them moderator privileges so they can access all the Elluminate presentation tools.)

The “rooms” will open half an hour early for you to come in, upload any PowerPoint or PDF files you plan to use in your talk, and test your audio and video.  You can also e-mail me files in advance to upload on your behalf if you would prefer.

If you’re still struggling with how to structure your talks, I suggest focusing on the following points (in no particular order):

– The topic you explored and why it interested you;
– Key ideas, themes, and data you found in your investigation;
– Points of connection between what you found and learning theories we explored in 6820 this semester;
– Implications for learning designers; and,
– Suggested authors and resources for classmates who want to learn more about your topic.

I also encourage you to build in a few minutes for questions and informal discussion within your time slot.  

Also, don’t forget to create and share a “feedback form” for use by participants and viewers of your session.  You can post these to the wiki, your blog, or both.  Please plan to share a link to your form at the start of your session.  Please also note that a couple of students, due to extenuating scheduling circumstances, will be viewing (and reviewing) presentations from session recordings, so a few of you may get some of your peer feedback a day or two after your actual session.  I’ll be posting links to the recorded versions of the sessions to our class wiki as soon as the recordings have processed.

To make sure everyone has a “live” audience, we’ll expect to see you online for at least the sessions you signed up to evaluate unless you and I have made special arrangements in advance.  However, I encourage you to login and participate in as many sessions as possible. I think you’ll be interested in hearing what your colleagues have found, and that they will appreciate your support and feedback.  

As a reminder, links to each session are available from this post:

I’m looking forward to the sessions, and hope you are, too.  Break a leg! (Figuratively — not walking around in the snow.)

See original post on Posterous at

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LRND 6820