Oct 17

Just a friendly reminder that the VoiceThread debate starts tonight with the opening presentation by the affirmative team.

(Affirmative team: once you post your initial VoiceThread, please post a link in the comments for this post so everyone can find it.)

By tomorrow night, the negative team will post it’s counter case.

On Tuesday, the affirmative team will then post a second video or presentation in which it attempts to refute the negative team’s case and answer the negative team’s critiques of it’s own case.

On Wednesday, the negative team will then have the “last word,” rebutting the affirmative team’s Tuesday night presentation.

After the “formal” part of the debate ends, please feel free to continue the conversation on the VoiceThread.  (During the debate itself, you are advocating for a specific side, but after Wednesday you should feel free to voice your actual opinion, even if it doesn’t support the side of the argument to which you were assigned.)

Remember that the blog assignment due this coming Sunday is to synthesize for yourself the key points from the debate and to share your own conclusions about whether/how the Web is affecting how we think and the role that learning designers could play in helping maximize the cognitive benefits and minimizing the risks/harms of technology use. 

So that I can award appropriate credit, please also include in your blog post a description of your contributions to your team’s effort.  (This will be especially important for those who contributed a lot to research but don’t have much “on camera” screen time.)

I hope you’re looking forward to this as much as I am.  I think it will be a fun and challenging week.  I’m also excited to actually get to see and hear some of you for the first time!


See original post on Posterous at http://lrnd6820.posterous.com/voicethread-debate-starts-tonight

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