Cloud Computing

06 Dec

Cloud Computing

I found a presentation about cloud computing on slideshare called “I’m Cloud Confused” by Guppers.

It cleared up a few cloudy things for me!  I have been wondering how companies can afford to just give away their information all the time, so this presentation confirmed that the companies are getting valid data from anyone that goes to the website.  I also learned that it is primarily the bigger internet players that are gearing up for cloud computing with the complex infrastructure that is needed.  There are many advantages to using cloud computing like no maintenance,  It is always up and available for your business or personal use.  The aspect that still makes me nervous is  trusting all information to be stored in the clouds and what the result could be in the end if there would be a crisis or threat.

One thought on “Cloud Computing

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    11:23 pm - 12-9-2010

    Like you pun! This was a popular one, but I do think it’s one that helped everyone understand the concept better. I agree about your last statement but there are “private” clouds too for this protection.

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