A Day in the Life of Web 2.0

29 Nov

“A day in the Life of Web 2.0”

Laurie Patlin

 This article illustrates how web 2.0 tools can be used by students, teachers, administrators, and the community to improve upon learning in schools.

Using the template in business education would make sense and become a very valuable learning experience.  Technology is part of the content and finding practical applications would become an integral part of the lesson.  Using the tools discussed in the article like obtaining updated information from twitter, blogs, and other sources from possibly a personal learning network could bring fresh information to business topics.  Having assignments posted to blogs can possibly raise the bar of student work when they can see each others’ projects.  Building levels into the course creates potential for motivation since it gives students more privileges when they complete certain quality and quantity of work.  Combining assignments among different teachers in different content areas could add a greater depth of learning.

Strengths of this type of scenario include creative learning for the students and use more problem solving and critical thinking skills which is what is necessary.

Weakness of this type of scenario would be the time needed to keep up with all the communication and content changes.

One thought on “A Day in the Life of Web 2.0

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    8:24 pm - 11-30-2010

    Yes, using these tools for fresh information are valuable as long as you follow credible sources, etc. You agree with most about the weakness-time.

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