Web 2.0 Chapter 9 – New Schools

19 Nov

Chapter 9 – Web 2.0

Points of interest worth noting from chapter 9 include the statement that changing to “New Schools” shouldn’t change what’s important.  It means going faster, less step by step, more in parallel, and more random access.  I’m not sure about the less step by step part of that.  It also includes using tools in the classroom that students use at home.

Teachers would become better guides to learning and lead students to what works for them and, more importantly, what interests them.  Software can be used to provide that feedback and refer students to other helpful resources.

Another interesting idea was to let teachers surf through all material that they find on the web and only pay for what they actually use like phone minutes!

The last part of the chapter I thought was the most enlightening to understand why students love video games and how those elements can fit in the classroom:

1.  Responsiveness

2.  Convertible/conversable rewards – Completing the work to move to the next level, not for a letter grade

3.  Personal Investment – They go back to where they’ve earned extra points, currency, weapons, etc.

4.  Identity building – Can customize their presence

5.  Dependability – The answer is right in front of them, they just need to find it!

There’s unlimited ways to use technology, the difference begins with me!

One thought on “Web 2.0 Chapter 9 – New Schools

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    10:32 pm - 11-22-2010

    I’m not sure what games cost unless, of course, they are open source. The chapter does address their important though. Your five items listed provide a good reason for them too.

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