Web 2.0 Chapter 7 Highlights

24 Oct

Creative Commons is very valuable information that I had not paid attention to before.  It makes it much easier to decipher how to use internet content.  The chapter states that students need guidance to understand the fair use doctrine.  That is true, but not just students, everyone using the information needs to understand it.  Reviewing this information in business and/or career tech classes would be valuable and a good thing to do at the beginning of the year or semester of new students.  Normally I see the internet policy come home with my high school son for him and a parent to sign.  It would be important to incorporate this information along with the signing of that document so that students know not only safety in cyberspace but also how copyright information applies.

2 thoughts on “Web 2.0 Chapter 7 Highlights

  1. janetn
    5:43 pm - 10-24-2010

    It would be very easy to work Internet safety and laws into a Business class. Just taking a fe minutes t explain it at the beginning of the year is great, but it is something students need reminding of every now and then.

  2. Rose Kuceyeski
    5:06 pm - 10-27-2010

    Your provide an excellent example and suggestion here. Parents need to be informed too.

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