Chapter 4: New tools in schools

16 Sep

In reading chapter 4, it was enlightening to learn that there are successful technology experts like Bill and Melinda Gates that are giving their time to develop best practices and 21st Century skills for students.  Pedagogy and technology must find a balance.

Chapter 4 gave great examples of using technology in all of the different content areas such as Geography, Science, English, and many others.  It is also interesting to look at each Web 2.0 tool and think about what it can replace like, “What does Flickr do that a news clip does not?”

3 thoughts on “Chapter 4: New tools in schools

  1. pbrunk
    2:11 pm - 9-16-2010

    I always saw Flickr online but I never knew what exactly it was until this chapter. That question posed is a good one – you can get so much with multimedia than say a standard newspaper article.

  2. whitacc
    2:38 pm - 9-17-2010

    I also think that it is pretty neat that technology is used in all of the different content areas. The way that they were explains their use in the different content areas in the book was neat. New Tech High is also a cool concept. This is the turn education and technology is taking.

  3. Rose Kuceyeski
    2:42 pm - 9-17-2010

    Yes, and the challenge is finding the balance too.

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