Archive for August, 2010

Key Points 08-30-10

30 Aug

Key points from chapter 1 of “web 2.0 new tools, new schools include:

Technology is changing so quickly and is changing from static web pages to being participatory and interactive.  All of these new tools are vital to incorporate into the classroom and to weave into the development of the 21st century skills.   The skills must be taught not only in using the new technology, but to promote creativity, collaboration, and communication. 
The key points made in chapter 1 will most certainly be incorporated into any of the business education classroom in a wide variety of ways.  The interactive methods can be used from a lesson planning point of view by the teacher in addition to being taught to the students.   The trend in business education to accomplish content standards using problem solving, cirtical thinking, and more practical approaches is right in line with using the latest in technology. 
Beyond the classroom, students will be better equipped to perform their daily job.  They will not only be more familiar with the latest in technology tools, but also will be proficient at adapting to technology in general as it changes on a daily basis.

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30 Aug

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