International Advertising Resource Center


International Advertising Research

compiled by Louisa Ha

(updated June 26, 2007)

[Publishing Outlets][Books][Bibliography by Subject]


Trade Press




Advertising Age International

Advertising Week

Adweek Asia (Formerly Asian Advertising and Marketing)

American Demographics


Catalog Age

Creative Magazine

Direct Magazine

DM News International

The International Advertiser

Promo: The Magazine of Promotional Marketing

Advertising and marketing trade publications around the world

Academic Journals

Asian Journal of Communication

European Journal of Marketing

Global Media Journal

Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies

International Journal of Advertising

International Journal of Advertising and Marketing to Children

International Journal of Market Research(Formerly Journal of the Market Research Society)

International Journal of Media and Communication Studies (an online journal)

International Journal of Research in Marketing

International Marketing Review

The International Reivew of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research

Journal of Advertising

Journal of Advertising Research

Journal of Asia Pacific Communication

Journal of Consumer Affairs

Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising

Journal of Euromarketing

Journal of Global Marketing

Journal of Interactive Advertising

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of International Communication

Journal of International Consumer Marketing

Journal of International Marketing

Journal of Marketing Communications

Journal of Marketing Practices

Journal of Promotion Management

The Norwegian Journal of Media Research(in Norwegian)

World Communication

Other Marketing Journals

Other Business or Psychology-Related Journals


  1. Alozie, E.C. (2005). Cultural Reflections and the Role of Advertising in the Socio-Economic and National Development of Nigeria.Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.
  2. Anderson, M. H. (1984) Madison Avenue in Asia: Politics and Transnational Advertising. New Jersey: Associated University Press.
  3. Anholt, Simon (2000)Another One Bites the Grass: Making Sense of International Advertising, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Baudot, Barbara S. (1989) International Advertising Handbook. MA: Lexington Books.
  5. Boddewyn, Jean. J. (1988) Advertising Self-Regulation and Outside Participation.New York: Quorum Books.
  6. —– (1992) Global Perspectives on Advertising Regulation.Westport: Quorum Books.
  7. Brilsin, Richard W. , Walter J. Lonner and Robert M. Thorndike (1973) Cross-cultural Research Methods. New York: Wiley.
  8. Buchholz, Andreas and Wolfram Wordemann (2001). What Makes Winning Brands Different: The Hidden Method Behind the World’s Most Successful Brands. New York: Wiley.
  9. Chang, Won Ho, Teddy Spha Palasthira and Hung Kyu Kim (1995) The Rise of Asian Advertising. Seoul, Korea: Nanam Publishing House.
  10. Direct Marketing Association (1992) International Direct Marketing: Communication, Graphics and Design.
  11. Dunn, S. W. (1961) International Handbook of Advertising. New York: McGraw Hill.
  12. Englis, Basil G. (1994 ed.) Global and Multinational Advertising.Hillsdale,NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  13. Frith, Katherine T. (1996 ed.) Advertising in Asia: Communication, Culture and Consumption. Iowa: IowaStateUniversity Press.
  14. Griffin, Tom (1993) International Marketing Communications. UK:Prentice-Hall International.
  15. Ha, Louisa & Richard Ganahl, III (2007 eds.) Webcasting Worldwide:  Business Models of an Emerging Global Medium.  Marwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  16. Harkness, Janet A., Fons J. R.  Van de Vijver, and Peter Ph. Mohler (2003), Cross Cultural Survey Methods, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
  17. Henry, Brian (1986 ed.) British Television Advertising: The First 30 years. London: Century Benham.
  18. Johnston, Russell (2001) Selling Themselves: The Emergence of Canadian Advertising. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  19. Jones, John Philip (1999 ed.) International Advertising : Realities and Myths. Sage Publications.
  20. Kaynak, Erdener (1989). The Management of International Advertising, New York: Quorum Books.
  21. Klein, N. (2000) No Logo.New York: Picador.
  22. Kloss, Ingomar (2001 ed) Advertising Worldwide: Advertising Conditions in Selected Countries. Berlin: Springer.
  23. Kloss, Ingomar, Di, I. Abdullah, A. Batraga, R. Boddy (2002) More Advertising Worldwide.  NY: Springer-Verlag.
  24. Lonner, W. and J. Berry (1986 eds.) Fields Methods in Cross-cultural Research.Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  25. Macrae, Chris (1991). World Class Brands.England: Addison-Westley Publishing Co. Inc.
  26. Mattelart, Armand (1991). Advertising International: The Privatization of Public Space.London: Routledge.
  27. Miller, Richard N. (1995). Multinational Direct Marketing. NY: McGraw-Hill Inc.
  28. Miracle, Gordon E. and Terence Nevett (1987) Voluntary Regulation of Advertising: A Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom and the United States. Lexington,MA: Lexington Books.
  29. de Mooij, Marieke (1997). Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural Paradoxes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  30. de Mooij, Marieke with Warren Keegan (1994). Advertising Worldwide.Second Edition.UK: Prentice-Hall International.
  31. Mooney, Sean (2000)5,110 Days in Tokyo and Everything’s Hunky-Dory : The Marketer’s Guide to Advertising in Japan, Quorum Books.
  32. Monye, Sylvester O. (2000) The Handbook of International Marketing Communications, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
  33. Mueller, Barbara (1995). International Advertising.Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
  34. Mueller, Barbara (2004).  Dynamics of International Advertising:  Theoretical and Practical Perspectvies.  New York:  Peter Lang Publishing.
  35. Neelankavil, J. P. and A. B. Stridsberg (1979) Advertising Self-Regulation: A Global Perspective. NY:Hastings House. 
  36. Nevett, Terence R. (1982) Advertising in Britain: A History.London, England: Heinemann.
  37. Peebles, D. M. and J. K. Ryans (1984) Management of International Advertising: A Marketing Approach.Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  38. Rijkens, Rein (1992) European Advertising Strategies. UK: Cassell.
  39. Rijkens, Rein and Gordon Miracle (1986) Euoprean Regulation of Advertising.North Holland.
  40. Roper, Cynthia S (1996)A Cross-cultural analysis of the content of televised political ads in the United States and Italy
  41. Roth, Robert F. (1982) International Marketing Communications. Crain Books.
  42. Stetler, Susan L. (1995) International Brands and Their Companies. MI, Gale Research.
  43. Stobart, Paul (1994) Brand Power. New York:New YorkUniversity Press.
  44. Taplin, Walter (1961) The Origin of Television Advertising in the United Kingdom. London: Pitman.
  45. Taylor, Charles R. (2002 ed.) New Directions in International Advertising Research. NY: Elsevier.
  46. Vardar, Nukhet(1991) Global Advertising : Rhyme or Reason? Paul Chapman Publishers.
  47. Van de Vijver, Fons and Kwok Leung (1997) Methods and Data Analysis for Cross-cultural Research, CA: Sage.
  48. van Gelder, Sicco (2003) Global brand strategy.  Kogan Page.
  49. Vincent, Fischer (1995) International Sponsorship. Symbioses Publishing.
  50. Wang, J. (2000).  Foreign Advertising in China:  Becoming Global, becoming local. Ames: IowaStateUniversity.
  51. Warwick, D.P. and S. Osherson (1973 eds), Comparative Research Methods (New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.
  52. Wischermann, Clemens and ElliottShore (eds.) Advertising and the EuropeanCity: Historical Perspectives. Aldeshot: Ashgate.
  53. Xu, Bai Yi (1990) Marketing to China: One Billion New Customers.Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing Group.


This bibliography only lists articles in academic journals or conference proceedings. For trade press articles, please refer to other databases such as ABI/INFORM, Periodical Indexes and Index to Business Periodicals. You are welcome to suggest entries to this bibliography. There are 10 subject headings in this bibliography:

  1. Cross-cultural Research Methods
  2. International Advertising Research Review 
  3. Cross-cultural Advertising Information Content Studies
  4. International Advertising Issues
  5. Standardardization/Globalization Debate
  6. International Internet Advertising Research
  7. International Advertising Education
  8. International Advertising Regulations
  9. Ethnic Issues
  10. Advertising in a specific region:


1.      Aaker, Jennifer and Durairaj Maheswaran (1997), “The Effect of Cultural Orientations on Persuasion,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24(December), 315-328.

2.      Albaum, Gerald, Felicita Evagelista and Nila Medina (1998) “Role of Response Behavior Theory in Survey Research: A Cross-National Study,” Journal of Business Research, 42(2), 115-125.

3.      Albers-Miller, Nancy D. (1996) “Designing Cross-cultural Advertising Research: A Closer Look at Paired Comparisons,” International Marketing Review 13(5).

4.      Andrews, J. Craig, Steven Lysonski and Srinivas Durvasula (1991) “Understanding Cross-cultural Student Perceptions of Advertising in General: Implications for Advertising Educators and Practitioners,” Journal of Advertising, 20(2),15-28.

5.      Andrews, J. Craig, Srinivas Durvasula and Richard G. Netemeyer (1994) “Testing the Cross-National Applicability of U.S. and Russian Advertising Belief and Attitude Measures,” Journal of Advertising, 23(1), 71-82.

6.      Appelbaum, Kalman and Ingrid Jordt (1996) “Notes toward an application of McCracken’s ‘Cultural Categories’ for Cross-cultural Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research 23(3)

7.      Aulakh, Preet S. and Masaaki Kotabe (1993) “An Assessment of Theoretical and Methodological Development in International Marketing: 1980-1990,” Journal of International Marketing 1(2), 5-28.

8.      Berry, John W. (1969) “On Cross-cultural Comparability,” International Journal of Psychology 4(2). 119-128

9.      Bhalla, G. and L. Lin (1987) “Cross-cultural Marketing Research: A Discussion of Equivalence Issues and Measurement Strategies,” Psychology and Marketing, 4(4), 275-85.

10.  Brislin, Richard W. (1970) “Back-Translation for Cross-cultural Research,” Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 1(September), 185-216.

11.  ________(1980) “Translation and Content Analysis of Oral and Written Material,” in Handbook of Cross-cultural Psychology, Vol 2, eds., Harry C. Triadis and John W. Berry. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 389-444.

12.  ________ and Steve R. Baumgardner (1971) “Non-Random Sampling of Individuals in Cross-cultural Research, Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 2 (December), 397-400.

13.  Brumbaugh, Anne M. and Sonya Grier (2006), “Insights from a Failed Experiment: Directions for Pluralistic, Multiethnic Advertising Research,” Journal of Advertising , 35(3), 35-46.

14.  Chun, Ki-Taek, John B. Campbell, and Jong Hae Yoo (1974) “Extreme Research Style in Cross-cultural Research,” Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology 5 (December), 456-480.

15.  Davidson, A. J. Jaccard, H.C. Triadis, M. Morales, and R. Diaz-Guerreo R. (1976), “Cross-cultural model testing: Toward a Solution of the Etic and Emic Dilemma,” International Journal of Psychology, 11, 1-13.

16.  Driver, Harold E. and Richard P. Chaney (1970) “Cross-cultural Sampling and Galton’s Problem,” in a Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, eds., Raol Naroll and Ronald Cohen.New York: Natural History Press, 990-1003.

17.  Ember, M. and K. F. Otterbein (1991) “Sampling in Cross-cultural Research,” Behavior Science Research 25(1-4), 217-33.

18.  England, George W. and Itzhak Harpaz (1983) “Some Methodological and Analytic Considerations in Cross-National Comparative Research,” Journal of International Business Studies 14(2), 49-59.

19.  Ewing, Michael T., Thomas Salzberger and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2005), “An Alternate Approach to Assessing Cross-Cultural Measurement Equivalence in Advertising Research,” Journal of Advertising, 34(1).17-36.

20.  Goodyear, M. (1982) “Qualitative Research in Developing Countries,” Journal of The Market Research Society, 24(2), 86-96.

21.  Green, Robert and Phillip D. White (1976) “Methodological Considerations in Cross-National Consumer Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 14(2), 167-179.

22.  Hasegawa, Kazumi (1998) “A New Taxonomy with Cultural Reflection for Comparative Advertising Styles,” Paper presented at the Advertising Division, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Baltimore, Maryland, August 2-5.

23.  Irwin, M. R. Klein P. Engle, C. Yarrough, and S. Nerlove (1977) “The Problem of Establishing Validity in Cross-cultural Measurement,” Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences, 285, 308-325.

24.  Jaffe, E. D. and I.D. Nebenzahl (1984) “Alternative Questionnaire Formats for Country Image Studies,” Journal of Marketing Research, 21(November) 463-71.

25.  Keown, C. F. (1982) “Foreign Mail Surveys: Response Rates Using Monetary Incentives,” Journal of International Business Studies, 16 (Fall), 151-3.

26.  Leung, K. and M. H. Bond (1989) “On the Empirical Identification of Dimensions for Cross-cultural Comparisons,” Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 20(2),133-51.

27.  Lorimor, E. S. and S. Watson Dunn (1967) “Four Measures of Cross-Cultural Advertising Effectiveness,” Journal of Advertsiing Research, 7(4), 11-13.

28.  Malhotra, Naresh K., James Agarwal and Mark Peterson (1996) “Methodological Issues in Cross-cultural Marketing Research: A State of the Art Review,” International Marketing Review, 13(5).

29.  Malhotra, Naresh K. (1988) “A Methodology for Measuring Consumer Preferences in Developing Countries,” International Marketing Review, 5(3), 52-66.

30.  _____(1991) “Administration of Questionnaires for Collecting Quantitative Data in International Marketing Research,” Journal of Global Marketing, 4(2), 63-92.

31.  McDonald, William J. (1994) “Provider Perceptions of Focus Group Research Use: A Multi-Country Perspectives,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(3), 265-273.

32.  Meyers, Robert D. (1996) “Consistent Advertising Evaluation from Multi-Country Inconsistent Data Sets,” Journal of Advertising Research, 36(3), RC1-5.

33.  Miracle, Gordon E.; Hae-Kyong Bang (2002) “Achieving Reliable And Valid Cross-Cultural Research Results In Content Analysis,” Advances in International Marketing,12, 9-24.

34.  Miracle, Gordon E., H. K. Bang, K. Y. Chang (1992) Achieving Reliable and Valid Cross-cultural Research Results. Working Paper, MichiganStateUniversity

35.  Morris, Jon D., Kristen L. Strausbaugh, and Mbulaheni Nthangeni (1996) “A Design for Measuring and Interpreting Emotional Response to Advertisements across Cultures,” in Gary Wilcox ed., Proceedings of the 1996 AmericanAcademy of Advertising Annual Conference Proceedings.

36.  Mullen, M. R. (1995) “Diagnosing Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 26(3), 573-96.

37.  Munson, J. Michael, adn Shelby H. McIntyre (1979)”Developing Practical Procedures for the Measurement of Personal Values in Cross-Cultural Marketing,” Journal of Marketing Research, 16(February), 48-52.

38.  Naroll, R. (1970) “The Culture-bearing Unit in Cross-cultural surveys,” in R. Naroll and R. Cohen. eds., A Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. NY: Natural History Press, 721-765.

39.  Netemeyer, Richard G., Srinivas Duravasula, and Donald R. Lichtenstein (1991) “A Cross-National Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of the CETSCALE,” Journal of Marketing Research 28 (August), 320-327.

40.  Parameswaran, R. and A. Yaprak (1987) “A Cross-National Comparison of Consumer Research Methods,” Journal of International Business Studies, 18(1),35-49.

41.  Plummer, Joseph T. (1977) “Consumer Focus in Cross-National Research,” Journal of Advertising 6(2), 5-15.

42.  Pollay, Richard W. (1983) “Measuring the Cultural Values Manifest in Advertising,” Current Issues and Research in Advertising 1983, 72-92.

43.  ______ and Katherine Gallagher (1990) Advertising and Cultural Values: Reflections in the Distorted Mirror,” International Journal of Advertising, 9, 359-372.

44.  Poortinga, Y. H. and F. Van de Vijver (1987) “Explaining Cross-cultural Differences: Bias Analysis and Beyond,” Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 18(3), 259-82.

45.  Salzberger, Thomas, Rudolf Sinkovics and Harmut Holzmuller (1997) “Problems of Equivalence in Cross-Cultural Marketing Research,” Developments in Marketing Science, Vol. 20, 74-78.

46.  Samiee, Saeed and Insik Jeong (1994) “Cross-cultural Research in Advertising: An Assessment of Methodologies,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(3),205-217

47.  Scheuch E. K. (1968) “The Cross-cultural Use of Sample Surveys, Problems of Comparability,” In S. Rokkan, ed., Comparative Research across Culture and Nations, Moun, The Hague, 176-209.

48.  Problems of Translation in Cross-cultural Research,” Journal of Corss-cultural Psychology, March, 41-56.

49.  SekaranU. (1983) “Methodological and Theoretical Issues and Advancements in Cross-cultural Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 14, 61-73.

50.  ________and H. J. Martin (1982) “An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of Some Commonly Research Variables in Two Cultures,” Journal of International Business Studies, 13, 51-66.

51.  Singh J. (1995) “Measurement Issues in Cross-national Research,” Journal of International Business Studies, 26(3), 597-619.

52.  Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M., and Hans Baumgartner (1998), “Assessing Measurement of Equivalence in Cross-National Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research, 25(2), 78-90.

53.  Tan, C. T., J. McCullough and J. Teoh (1987) “An Individual Analysis Approach to Cross-cultural Research, ” in M. Wallendorf and P. Anderson (eds.) Advances in Consumer Research, 14, 394-7.

54.  Triandis, Harry C. and Gerardo Martin (1983) “Etic plus Emic versus Pseudoetic: A Test of basic Assumption of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Psychology,” Journal of Cross-cultural Pscyholgoy 14 (December), 489-500.

55.  Van de Vijver, Fons and Kwok Leung (1997) Methods and Data Analysis for Cross-cultural Research, CA: Sage.

56.  Voss, Kevin E., Donald E. Stem, Jr., Lester W. Johnson and Constantino Arce (1996) “An Exploration of the Comparability of Semantic Adjectives in Three Languages: A Magnitude Estimation Approach,” International Marketing Review, 13(5).

57.  Wang, Cheng Lu (1996) “The Evolution of International Consumer Research: A Historical Assessment from the 1960s to Mid-1990s”, Journal of Euromarketing, 5(1), 57-81.

58.  Webster, C. (1996) “Hispanic and Anglo Interviewer and Respondent Ethnicity and Gender: The Impact of Survey Response Quality,” Journal of Marketing Research, 33(February), 62-72.

59.  Yavas, Ugur (1994) “Research Note: Students as Subjects in Advertising and Marketing Research,” International Marketing Review, 11(4).

60.  Yu, J. H. , C. F. Keown, and L. W. Jacobs (1993) “Attitudes Scale Methodology: Cross-cultural implcations,” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 6(2), 45-64.


  1. Cheon, Jongsik John, Chang-Hoan Cho and John Sutherland (2005), “Forty-four Years of Retrospective International Advertising and MArketing Research:  A Systematic Quantitative Meta-Analysis,”  Proceeding of the American Academy Advertising Conference.
  2. Cornwell, T. Bettina and Isabelle Maignan (1998) “An International Review of Sponsorship Research,” Journal of Advertising, 27(1),1-22.
  3. Ha, Louisa (2005), “A Review and Trend Analysis on Advertising Research on Asia 1984-2003,” paper accepted by the American Academy of Advertising Asia Pacific Conference, Hong Kong, June 1-4, 2005.
  4. Miracle, Gordon E. (1984) “An Assessment of Progress in Research in International Advertising,” Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 2. 
  5. Sin, Leo Y.N.; Suk-ching Ho (2000), “An Assessment of Theoretical and Methodological Development in Advertising Research on Mainland China.” Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 22 (2),53-70.
  6. Stafford, Marla Royne (2005), “International Services Advertising (ISA):  Defining the Domain and Reviewing the Literature,”  Journal of Advertising, 34(1), 65-86.
  7. Taylor, Charles R. (2005), “Moving International Advertising Research Forward:  A New Research Agenda,” Journal of Advertising, 34(1), 7-16.
  1. __________  (2002), “What is Wrong with International Advertising Research?” Journal of Advertising Research, 42(6), 48-54.
  2. Zou, Shaoming (2005), “Contributions to International Advertising Research: An Assessment of the Literature between 1990 and 2002,” Journal of Advertising, 34(1), 99-110.


1.      De Pelsmacker, Patrick and Maggie Geuens (1997) “Emotional Appeals and Information Cues in Belgian Magazine Advertisements,” International Journal of Advertising, 16(2), 123-147.

  1. Falk, Louis K., Robert W. Jones, Dawn Foster, & Sharaf Rehman (1997) “Comparative Analysis of Advertising Information in U.S. and Mexico Editoins of a Men’s Magazine,” Paper presented at the Advertising Division of the AEJMC Annual Convention, Chicago, 1997.
  2. Hong, Jae W. Aydin Muderrisoglu and George M. Zinkhan (1987) “Cultural Differences and Advertising Expression: A Comparative Analysis of Japanese and U.S. Magazine Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, 16(1),55-62.
  3. Huang, Jen-Hung and Juei-Fu Hou (1987) “The Effects of Regulations on the Level of Information Content of Television Advertising: A Comparison of Three Nations,” in AMA Educators’ Proceedings, S. Douglas et al. eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, 93-96.
  4. Johnstone, Harvey, Erdener Kaynak and Richard Sparkman Jr. (1987), “A Cross-cultural/Cross-National Study of the Information Content of Television Advertisements,” International Journal of Advertising, 6(3), 223-236.
  5. Lin, Carolyn A. and M. B. Salwen (1995) “Product Information Strategies of American and Japanese Television Advertisements,” International Journal of Advertising, 14, 55-64.
  6. Madden, Charles S., Marjorie J. Caballero, and Shinya Matsukubo (1986) “Analysis of Information Content in U.S. and Japanese Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, 15(3), 38-45
  7. Martensen, R. (1987) “Advertising Strategies and Information Content: American and Swedish Advertising,” International Journal of Advertising, 6(2), 133-144.
  8. Moon, Y. S. & G. R. Franke(1987) “The Information Content of Domestic and International Advertising: Analysis of Korean Magazine Ads,” in 1987 American Marketing Association Educators’ Proceedings.
  9. Miracle, Gordon E., Kyu Yeol Chang, and Charles R. Taylor (1992) “Culture and Advertising Executions: A Comparison of Selected Characteristics of Korean and US Television Commercials,” International Marketing Review 9(4), 5-17.
  10. Mueller, Barbara (1991) “An Analysis of Information Content in Standardized vs. Specialized Multinational Advertisements,” Journal of International Business Studies, 1, 23-39.
  11. Pennington, Robert and Sue-Chen Chang (1997)”Information Cues in Taiwan’s prime-time television advertisements,” Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 13(1), 58-67.
  12. Ramaprasad, Jyotika, and Kazumi Hasegawa (1992) “Informational Content of American and Japanese Commercials,” Journalism Quarterly, 69(3): 612-622.
  13. Renforth, William and Sion Raveed (1983) “Consumer Information Cues in Television Advertising: A Cross Country Analysis,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,11(3): 216-225.
  14. Srivastava, Tanuja and Denise Schoenbachler (1999) “A Content Anslysis of the Information and Thematic Content of Business to Business Advertising in India,” paper presented at the 1999 Society of Marketing Advances, Atlanta, Georgia, October 26-28.
  15. Taylor, Charles R., Gordon Miracle, and R. Dale Wilson (1997) “The Impact of Information Level on the Effectiveness of U.S. and Korean Television Commercials,” Journal of Advertising, 26(1), 1-18.
  16. Yu, Hyunjae and Karen Whitehill King (2005), “A Cross-Cultural Content Analysis of Information Content and Appeals on Weight-Loss Websites in the United States and Korea,”  Proceedings of the 2005 American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Houston, Texas.


  1. Akaoui, Joe (2007), Brand Experience on the Pitch: How the Sponsors Fared in the World Cup, Journal of Advertising Research, 47(2), June.147-157.
  2. Albers-Miller, Nancy D., and Betsy Gelb (1996) “Business Advertising Appeals as Mirror of Cultural Dimensions: A Study of Eleven Countries,” Journal of Advertising, 25(4), 57-70.
  3. Albers-Miller, Nancy D. and Marla Royne Stafford (1999) “International Services Advertising: An Examination of Variation in Appeal Use for Experimental and Utilitarian Services,” Journal of Services Marketing, 13(4/5), 390-406. Albers-Miller, Nancy D. (1999) “An Internaitonal Analysis of Emotional and Rational Appeals in Services vs. Goods Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16(1), 42-57.
  4. Ahmed, Niaz (1998) “The Role of Culture in International Advertising,” Paper presented at the Advertising Division, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Baltimore, Maryland, August 2-5.
  5. Alden, Dana L., Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp and Rajeev Batra (1999), “Brand Positioning Through Advertising in Asia, North America, and Europe: The Role of Global Consumer Culture,” Journal of Marketing, 63 (1), 75-90.
  6. Anderson, W. T. and W. H. Cunningham (1972) “Gauging Foreign Product Promotion,” Journal of Advertising Research, 12(1), 29-34.
  7. Aslam, Mubeen M. (2006) “Are You Selling the Right Colour? A Cross-cultural Review of Colour as a Marketing Cue,” Journal of Marketing Communications 12(1), 15-30.
  8. Bao, Yeqing and Zheng Zhou (1999) “Effect of Involvement on Consumer’s Country of Origin Information Processing,” paper presented at the 1999 Society of Marketing Advances, Atlanta, Georgia, October 26-28.
  9. Banerjee, A. (1994) “Transnational Advertising Development and Management: An Account Planning Approach and a Process Framework,” International Journal of Advertising, 13(2), 95-124.
  10. Batra, Madan M. (2000), “Managerial Challenges of Global Advertising Agencies,” Journal of Promotion Management, 7(1/2), 161-176/
  11. Baudot, B. (1991) “International Issues in the Advertising of Health-Related Products,” European Journal of Marketing, 25(6), 24-36.
  12. Birch, Dawn and Janelle McPhail (1999) “Does Accent Matter in International TV Ads (Australia)?” International Journal of Advertising, 18(2), 251-268.
  13. Bjerke, Rune and Rosemary Polegato (2001), “Cross-Cultural Meanings of Healthy and Beautiful in Words, Beauty Types, and Products: Implications for International Advertising,” Journal of Promotion Management, 7(1/2), 117-140.
  14. Boddewyn, Jean J. (1991) “Controlling Sex and Decency in Advertising Around the World,” Journal of Advertising, 20(4), 25-36.
  15. _______ (1988) “The One and Many Worlds of Advertising: Regulatory Obstacles and Opportunities,” International Journal of Advertising, 7(1), 11-16.
  16. _______ (1982) “Advertising Regulation in the 1980’s: The Underlying Global Forces,” Journal of Marketing, 46(1), 27-35.
  17. Bulmer, Sandy and Oliver Margo Buchanan (2006) “Visual Rhetoric and Global Advertising Imagery,” Journal of Marketing Communications, 12(1), 49-61.
  18. Callow, Michael and Leon Schiffman (2002), ” Implicit Meaning in Visual Print Advertisements: A Cross-Cultural (US-Phillippines) Examination of the Contextual Communication Effect,”  International Journal of Advertising, 21(2), 259-282.
  19. Chang, Chingching (1999) “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Political Advertising in the 1996 Presidential Election Campaign in Taiwan and the United States,” paper presented at the Advertising Division, the 1999 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, August 4-7, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  20. Chao, Paul (2001) “The Moderating Effects of Country of Assembly, Country of Parts, and Country of Design on Hybrid Product Evaluations,”  Journal of Advertising, 30(4), 67-82.
  21. Chao, Paul, Gerhad Wührer, and Thomas Werani (2005) “Celebrity and foreign brand name as moderators of country-of-origin effects,” International Journal of Advertising, 24(2), 173-192.
  22. Choi, Yung Kywn, Gordon E. Miracle and Linda Cowles (1999) “Effects of Culture and Self-construals on Comparative Advertising Effectiveness,” paper presented at the Advertising Division, the 1999 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, August 4-7, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  23. Colvin, Michael, Roger Heeler, and Jim Thorpe (1980) “Developing International Advertising Strategy,” Journal of Marketing, 44, 73-79.
  24. Craig, C. Samuel, William H. Greene and Susan P. Douglas (2005) “Culture Matters: Consumer Acceptance of U.S. Films in Foreign Markets,“Journal of International Marketing,13(4), 80-103.
  25. Cuttitta, Frank (2004), “Emerging Markets and the Critical Issues Facing the International Advertising Industry,” in PRoceedings of the 2004 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, P. Rose (ed.) North Miami, Florida International University, 2.
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1. Other Asian Countries (e.g., Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand)

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5.      Deng, Shengliang, Sunite Jivan, Mary Louise Hassan (1994), “Advertising in Malaysia: A Cultural Perspective,”  International Journal of Advertising, 13(2), 153-67.

6.      Doyle, K. and Sar (2003), “A Comparative Content Analysis of Cambodian and Thai Print Advertisements,” Advances in Consumer Research, 30(1), 223-30.

7.      Furnham, Adrian; Mak, Twiggy; Tanidjojo, Liza.(2000), “An Asian Perspective on the Portrayal of Men and Women in Television Advertisements: Studies From Hong Kong and Indonesian Television,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30 (11), 341-52.

8.      Karrh, James, A., Katherine Frith and Coy Callison (2001), “Audience Attitudes Toward Brand (Product) Placement: Singapore versus the United States,” International Journal of Advertising, 20(1), 3-24.

9.      Khatibi, Ali; Haque, Ahasanul; Ismail, Hishamudin. (2004), “Gaining a Competitive Advantage from Advertising (Study on Children’s Understanding of  (Malaysia) TV Advertising),” Journal of American Academy of Business,  4 (1/2), p302-9

10.  Lan, Luh Luh (2001), “An Overview of the Advertising Laws and Regulations in Singapore,” Journal of Business Law, 399-414.

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18.  Marquez, F. T. (1975) “The Relationship of Advertsiing and Culture in the Philippines,”  Journalism Quarterly, 52(3), 436-442.

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20.  Pornpitakpan, Chanthika (2004), “The Persuasive Effect of Circadian Arousal, Endorser Expertise, and Argument Strength in Advertising (Singapore),” Journal of Global Marketing, 17 (2/3), 141-73.

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23.  Pornpitakpan, Chanthika and Tze Ke Jason Tan (2000), “The Influence of Incongruity on the Effectiveness of Humorous Advertisements: The Case of Singaporeans,” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 12(1), 27-36.

24.  Punyapiroje, Chompunuch, Margaret Morrison and Mariea Grubbs Hoy (2002) “A Nation Under the Influence: The Creative Strategy Process for Advertising in Thailand,”  Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising,  24(2), 51-66.

25.  Ramaprasad, Jyotika (1998), “Relationship and Communication Values:  Their Reflection in Advertising Information Choices of Malaysian Youth,”  Asian Journal of Communication, 8(1), 132-149.

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30.  Tan, Tsu Wee Thomas, Lee Boon Ling and Eleanor Phua Cheay Theng (2002), “Gender-role portrayals in Malaysian and Singaporean television commercials: an international advertising perspective,” Journal of Business Research, 55(10), 853-62.

31.  Teo, Thompson S. H. (2002), “(Singaporean) Attitudes toward online shopping and the Internet,” Behavior & Information Technology. 21(4), 259-72.

32.  Treise, Debbie, Michael F. Weigold and Shiyan Dai (2001) “Consumer Assessment of Advertising Practices in Singapore,”   in Marilyn S. Roberts and Robert L. King (Eds.) International Conference Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 2001 Asia-Pacific Conference, American Academy of Advertising, pp. 57-63.

33.  Vatjanapukka, Verawoot (2004), “Relationship between consumer knowledge, prescription drug advertising exposure and attitudes towards direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising (Thailand),” 4(4), 350-61.

34.  Wang, Qinan and Zhang Wu (2001), “A duopolistic model of dynamic competitive advertising (Singapore),” European Journal of Operational Research, 128 (1), 213- 27.

35.  Wee, Chow-Hou, Mei-Lan Choong and Siok-Kuan Tambyah (1995)  “Sex role portrayal in television advertising (Singapore),” International Marketing Review, 12(1), 49-65.

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The Americas

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Eastern Europe/Newly Independent States

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Russia, CIS, and the Former USSR

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Copyright 2007 by Louisa Ha

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