Feb 16 2009

Blogging for Learning

After conducting a straw poll of senior students in a Fall 2008 course, and learning that not one of them knew what a wiki was, and that none of them were “bloggers”, I decided to make a major change to my syllabus for RTD 483; a blog was added as one of the major assignments.

During the first few weeks of class, a lab training session was held.  Some students caught on right away and have been very creative with their blogs.  Others struggled and have attended office hours or stayed after class to ask questions.  All however, have managed to get their BGSU blogs up and running and are at least using them to post reflections about class materials.  So far, the blogs are a success because the students are learning new technology and they are engaging more fully with the course content.

Fall 2009 represents the second semester of this process and it is going well.  I’m also realizing two other benfits; a reduction in paper waste and interactive grading.  I can post comments and encourage students responses.  This facilitates deeper critical thinking and …  35 students x 10 assignments = 1 ream of paper saved!

6 responses so far

6 thoughts on “Blogging for Learning

  1.   markpfon 07 Apr 2009 at 11:01 pm     1

    Lona, I think that this is a great tool for learning. Maybe this could be a major asset to universities who have a desire to go paperless…Either way, I am stoked to have my own blog. Thanks

  2.   lonaon 07 Apr 2009 at 11:08 pm     2

    Mark: Well, looks like you won the prize for being the first student to post on my blog this semester. I’m glad you are excited and have plans to use the blog technology to your advantage in the long term. 5 Extra Credit Points to you!!

  3.   terenceon 16 Oct 2009 at 6:02 pm     3

    Hi Lona,
    As designer and administrator of the BGSU blog system, I’d like to commend you for the way you incorporated blogs into your classroom. I also like how you had your students use categories to organize assignments. Very smart. You enable the students to learn how to use some new technology and help the environment at the same time. Great job!

  4.   lonaon 16 Oct 2009 at 6:22 pm     4

    Terence: Thanks for the support. Fall 2009 is going well as a second run of this assignment.

  5.   mandiecon 18 Oct 2010 at 1:58 am     5

    Lona- I really like that we do “blogging” in 483. I will admit, at first I was thinking “this is going to be A LOT of work”; However, now that I am in the swing of things, it isn’t bad at all. I actually like it, and I think that is is important for everyone in this day and age should know how to blog for professional reasons. This is the first class that I have ever had that we blog, and it is my last college class before graduation, therefore I am fortunate to learn the ropes before graduation because I would not have learned how to blog if it weren’t for this class..so THANK YOU!

  6.   lonaon 18 Oct 2010 at 7:08 pm     6

    Mandie: First of all….you are really burning the midnight oil! 🙂 I’m excited that you have persisted with learning the basics, as with all new technology, there is a learning curve, but it is pretty steep. Keep up the good work, I enjoy reading your posts and comments.