ldubose's blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Technology Seeking

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 6:11 pm on Tuesday, April 5, 2016

This Technology Trends class has had a major impact on my developing me into learning about technology in a way I would have never done had I not taken this class as a part of my doctoral program.

Today, I took advantage of a session on campus today, to get an entry-level understanding of Camtasia, a technology based learning tool, that reminds you of PowerPoint, with voice-over capabilities to slides, and the ability to add media to it.

Exploring this would not have even tickled my tech-fancy had I not been developed via this class taught by Dr. Goedde.  I am thrilled about expanding my repertoire to use as a tool.

Microsoft OneDrive giveth, and OneDrive taketh away!

Filed under: Funny Thoughts — ldubose at 9:52 pm on Thursday, March 24, 2016

Oh OneDrive….why did you promise me storage…then *poof* you are taking away 10 GB’s!!!

I finally decided 3 weeks ago to use One Drive for easy access to electronic articles, former papers with reference lists and resources to used for my writings. However today, an email comes from Microsoft OneDrive notifying me that my cloud storage is being reduced from 15GB to 5GB!

Back I go to an email account dedicated to me sending articles and resources to house them for me through dissertation completion and still have the ability to access the information remotely.

15 steps forward…10 back!

Modern Technology & Literature Reviews

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 12:27 am on Saturday, February 27, 2016

I really should not be this excited, but I do have to bring this up again, as I have been more entrenched in conducted scholarly, peer-reviewed research using the MyBGSU library via my laptop!  This is commonplace for more recent scholarly students, but as a person who has been outside of pursuing academic pursuits for double-digit (not telling the real numbers) years….and previously having to physically drive to the library.


Now as I sit at home, at my study table with my laptop, I use the advanced search engine on our university website to search.  More importantly for me an automatic pop-up screen comes up titled: Library Ask Us!!!  Yes…it’s almost if they felt I was not using the correct key words in my search.  In 2-3 back and forth exchanges, they helped lead me in the right direction!  Such a great student support tool.

I love technology!  Okay….back to my search!


Learning Technology

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 10:43 pm on Saturday, February 13, 2016

Yes, me again!

I am in the 2nd year of my doctoral program in 2016, the technology portion of learning how to use sites for tracking articles and searching for articles electronically was all new to me.  Over this time, I had to learn technology as well as course readings.  Coming from a generation that used typewriters to type papers and pulling cards from the Dewey decimal drawers in the library; I am tickled that now I have people and topics and documents at the end of my fingertips.

I know I have so much more to learn, and what I have learned thus far, I could likely fit on the top of a pin head, but everyday and each course and task helps force me out of my fear and better utilize technology in ways.  This is a cool time for me.

Tech Talk

Filed under: Funny Thoughts — ldubose at 12:32 am on Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My funny thought is after church I was talking with the Pastor and Associate pastor about my doing something I never thought I could do, create a website and PLN.  I accidentally whipped out my etablet and told them about the class and my journey from panic to published!  We were in church, so what else could they do but say kind things about my site.  Smh….who would’ve thought…TechTalk Lisa!  LOL.

Web-Scale IT in Conversation

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 12:29 am on Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Well, it is interesting to me, that a topic I never heard of before this semester, came up (ok, I brought it up) in conversation when a friend and I were talking about using Fitbit devices to track steps.  I happen to talk about how Web-Scale IT systems offers large organizations the ability to effectively provide services in real time.  While to the end-user we just need to wear the band and move and watch the numbers move incrementally higher, there is a great amount of technological systems behind the scenes to make our ‘at-a-glance’ product work effectively.  Too excited!

Technology Trends, watch as I catch up!

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 10:28 pm on Saturday, January 30, 2016

Guess who finally has a twitter account?  Yes, Me!  Now that the door to technology trends have been opened up to me, I am excited as I am expanding my horizons beyond individual conversations and get to explore learning by following others with the same, similar or even different interests.

I read an article today in Forbes magazine that shared their perspective on some of the hottest technology trends for 2016.  One topic was regarding Wearable technology like the Apple watch and Streaming services such as Netflix.  Further, Ambient User or AMbient UX discussing applications allowing your electronic devices to synchronize and without even realizing it, you will be organized according to your usage.  What is expected of more intelligent technology is answered below.

To an increasing extent, technologies will be able to not only collect information, but learn based upon it. In the process, much of the initial analysis that has typically required a human can be done by machines, elevating the analysis in the process. People will need to engage at a higher level as a result.

Oh, before I go…remember to follow me on twitter @led1908 (I’m excited).



Gerber, R. (2016, January 6). Four Big Technology Trends For 2016. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from


Ho, K. T. (2015, December 20). 5 Massive Trends Firing Up Technology Stocks In 2016. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from


Funny Thoughts – 3

Filed under: Funny Thoughts — ldubose at 7:41 pm on Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ok….to follow me on this blog means you have to have a greattttt sense of humor!!!

I’m easing down the road of tech trends, I promise it is taking me at least 100 x longer than regular people to complete these tasks.  Lord help me please.  Chuckle-chuckle….I pray it gets easier.


Social Media – here to stay

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 7:36 pm on Saturday, January 30, 2016

I am enthralled with social media.  I admit….I was extremely resistant to being a part of the social media world, believing that information about me could be too easily exposed and that there would be very little benefit to it, when I was told by some undergraduates to get a myspace page.  Luckily I stayed to my offenses with that one, but conceded to sign up for FaceBook a few years ago along with LinkedIn and just this week, twitter!

I have come a long way in my understanding.  Not only can you follow individuals and keep in touch with family members, but you can engage in ecommerce by selling business widgets or services; but also utilize social media to follow leadership guru’s and stay attuned to changes in public policies, professional trends and the like.

I’m stepping my big toe over into something newer for me….enjoying the learning and blogging journey!!!

Personal Learning Network in Process

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 12:41 am on Thursday, January 28, 2016

What a wonderful learning experience this has been!  While I was able to handle some parts of PLN development, I had to contact the colleagues for quick tip on how to best link my personal learning sites, such as CNN and John Maxwell RSS Feeds and received information noting that there should not be any copyright concerns as this is an educational process.

The questions I asked were helpful and I am appreciative to both Kim and Joel for their assistance.  Moving forward!


Website Development

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 12:11 am on Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My technology trends journey continues.

What was a source of angst, and had me feeling overwhelmed is coming together slowly.  I cannot believe I am developing my own website in www.wix.com.  Choosing the design, photographs, links and the best way to introduce myself and future business ventures is amazingly invigorating.  I will soon begin working on adding social media links.

Let’s see how I can make this site, something to be proud of in its representation of me and my professional capabilities.  Segments of the site will give information about me, my educational background, and some services that I look forward to offering on career coaching and strategic Human Resources advisement.

The journey continues.

More to come, more to learn

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 9:44 am on Saturday, January 23, 2016

It was quite the ordeal for me to set up my first blog and make such important decisions beyond the words on a page, but the aesthetic of blog and how it represents me and my story.  Well, in addition to this blog…. I have more technology trends are coming and I have much to learn.  Personal Learning Networks are next on my list.  Now if my wireless router would just consistently cooperate, all will be well!

Funny Thoughts – 2

Filed under: Funny Thoughts — ldubose at 9:41 am on Saturday, January 23, 2016

I am excited to learn as I am going from zero to 100 mph learning about the blogging process.

I think it is quite humorous, as I am a quiet intrinsic thinking person.  Now I have gone from writing my private thoughts in a personal hard copy journal to sharing my academic journey for all to see.  Let’s enjoy this journey together!

Funny Thoughts

Filed under: Funny Thoughts — ldubose at 9:37 am on Saturday, January 23, 2016

This thought makes me laugh…  How did I get here?  How did I go from writing my private thoughts in a personal hardbound journal for my eyes only, to posting these thoughts for others to see?

Let’s see where this journey takes me!

Hello world!

Filed under: Hello World! — ldubose at 10:24 pm on Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hello World!  Blogging is completely new for me.  I am excited for this journey and I pray that the journey is good to me along the way. Feel free to join me and share in my experiences and comment.

I am going to check out other blogs as a guide to help me along the way.

My Blogging Journey – My First Post

Filed under: My Blogging Journey — ldubose at 7:47 pm on Saturday, January 16, 2016

It’s me, Lisa. Let me share a bit about myself with you. Academically I have been blessed to work in the field of Human Resources since obtaining my Bachelor of Business Administration, and Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, both with an emphasis in Personnel Management Degree from The University of Toledo. I started as a Human Resources Clerk, progressed to a Specialist, moved forward as a Generalist, then to Manager, Director and Vice President level positions. These positions have been in public, private, and academic areas and have dual certifications as a senior certified human resources professional. I obtained international certifications by accredited Resources certifying bodies. With this success, there was still this lingering inkling to pursue my doctorate degree, not for work, as it is not required, but to fulfill a personal goal that I suppressed for over a decade.

In my places of employment; community boards and in my volunteer efforts I have been fortunate to participate and/or lead strategic HR planning, develop policies and procedures, enforce internal rules and ensured compliance with federal and state laws, challenged bias, I have evaluated and worked to impact employee performance; I have promoted inclusion and fought discrimination so that the seed of a dream I had in my youth could be realized in my maturity as a continual effort to ensure equal access to education, housing, employment, and compensation. Coursework as an undergraduate and graduate student has helped shape the very foundations of who I am as a person, a professional and community leader, but with all of this, it did not equip me to fully know or understand technology trends, so I look forward to learning more during this course.

I am a second year doctoral student within the Leadership Studies program at Bowling Green State University and I love it. But please,……let me be completely transparent, when I began my undergraduate degree in the 1980’s when obtaining information meant referring to hard bound encyclopedias, physically going to a library or bookstore and student interaction meant face to face meetings and conversations or home line telephone conversations and when typing papers, it was done on a Brother ‘typewriter’ with a piece of carbon paper sandwiched in between two sheets of typing paper. One big error in typing, or skipping of transcribing a sentence meant starting all over again.

Computers were not readily available in the home. Use of computers later in my undergraduate days involved saving to a floppy disk. Email and the internet had either not yet been created or not existing for the vast majority. While there were ‘pagers’, they were not readily available and cell phones for most of the population, and of course e-tablets and portable smart phones were non-existent.

My journey to begin this terminal degree program was intimidating. The process is more than the vast amount of literature to read and theories with which I am to become familiar, but the significant technology changes that have happened since I complete my Master’s Degree in 1996, is astonishing. No longer must I flick through library classification index cards in a Dewey decimal drawer system, to find author/book names and where to look on the shelves to find a book or see if it is available or checked out.

Now I can search the Bowling Green State University libraries on my e-device on or off campus and further the OhioLink system to borrow from other libraries. Now I can type and move sentences, paragraphs or pages of writing from one place to another with a click and drag of a mouse; I can save articles I find on sites like RefWorks, and I can communicate verbally or by text on the phone, or email, or share items via email or a document storage box like DropBox or OneDrive, and let’s not forget skype and/or conference call or web presence software. No more are we using overhead transparencies placed on a projector, but there is Power Point and Prezi and more. My journaling no longer needs to be bound hard copy book, but can be shared on a blog or a post and sent electronically.

Blogging is completely new for me, so this is my first entry or effort. I am excited for this journey and I pray that the journey is good to me along the way. Feel free to join me and share in my experiences.

Lisa D.