reader response 9-18

I chose to write about the second topic. The topic concerning parent’s rights regarding their children’s facebook accounts, myspace accounts, email accounts, etc. My parents never asked for my passwords which is probably one of the reasons we got along reasonably well. One of my best friend’s mothers had her kids tape the passwords to their computer. She constantly had to sneak around having multiple accounts of everything. She would only check her real accounts at other people’s houses. This is why I chose to write about this topic. I think that the parents should give their kids some privacy. I feel that going on other people’s online accounts is just like going through other people’s mail. I think that the kids should have to have their passwords available in case something happens like they disappear, but the parents should only use it if something drastic like that happens and for no other reason. Also, because I would like to know more about other people’s experiences with parent’s trust. I will probably just start simple research on google or yahoo.
This is a good topic because people have been dealing with it for a couple of years. Parents struggle with choosing whether or not to let their children have this freedom or to demand having the passwords. The kids either have to deal with their overprotective parents or make choices on whether or not to put certain things out there on the internet that they wouldn’t put there if their parents were monitoring their internet accounts.

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