Portfolio Introduction

Posted on April 22nd, 2009 in by lpate

                Welcome to my e-portfolio. My name is Lauren Pate, and I am a junior at Bowling Green State University, studying AYA Integrated Language Arts. This portfolio is a combination of all of my work as a student for Eng 207. My projects consist of different aspects of literacies, public service announcements, my resume and cover letter, and even my re-seeing a literacy project. The goal of my portfolio is to provide an organized display of my work and show my viewer the accomplishments I have made through these projects.

            By making this portfolio, I have gained a huge amount of knowledge on not only how to construct a portfolio, but also the certain aspects that writing consists of. Before this portfolio and Eng 207 class, I never knew what rhetorical appeals really were or even what a rhetorical analysis was. The portfolio has helped me analyze and learn from my work over the course of a semester. I was able to do this by blogging about my projects and also writing reflections on them as well. Through peer workshops and my revisions, my portfolio will show you how I have learned what would make my projects even better.

            Before putting this portfolio together, or even this Eng 207 class as a whole, I never really took the time to think about what a literacy really was. I had an understanding of what the meaning of the word meant, but I never realized how many different aspects there are to different literacies in the world. My understanding of literacy has developed so much over the course of the semester because I was given many opportunities to truly think about them and analyze them with a variety of different projects and blog prompts.

            Through my portfolio, I was able to explore the various learning objectives on all levels. While making a PSA was a group assignment, all of the other projects were done on my own and gave me a chance to learn a little bit more about myself. I really learned a lot while writing the literacy narrative. I was given an opportunity to write about something I love, cooking. It was by far my favorite project because it gave me a chance to write about something I know the most about. I was able to express myself and learn about myself even more. My portfolio will also show you that while each unit had two projects within it that resembled each other, they were still vastly different projects. With each one of these different projects, I had new expectations with my work and new elements to think about and consider for each one.

            This portfolio also provides the viewer an opportunity to look around at my various projects that I have completed for Eng 207. I invite you as a viewer to feel free to take a look at the work I have done throughout this Spring 2009 semester.  













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