2/9 Blog

Posted on February 9th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I believe a good narrative stands out from others. It should include an event that has happened to someone that made an impact on them some way, some how. It should tell a story to the point that a reader can almost imagine it happening to themselves. I think a good narrative should grab your attention and keep you reading to find out what happens next. A good narrative should make you interested and make you want to read it in the first place.


2/6 Activity 2

Posted on February 5th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

 When you first read it, I don’t know if there is only one answer to it. I think that we all feed off of one another. I think that we each have our own experiences and we all have stories to tell, which is how we figure each other out. We essentially learn from one another. It explains who we are and what we are about, but we learn from past cultures. It is like the excerpt says, Our language is not coming from us first. I thought the question that was asked, “Does this mean we are revising ourselves?” was very interesting. I felt that this is one of the best things that I have read. It really made you think. I loved it!

2/6 Activity 1

Posted on February 5th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

For each approach, the audience would be the class/fellow peers and the teacher (Brittany). The reason for this is because it is a class assignment and they will be the ideal reader. They might bring similar experiences to the reading and/or a postivie attitude towards the assignment. I am sure that other students are willing to read this assignment with a good outlook for each other as well. They believe that a narrative is a story and will therefore, most likely be looking for a story with each writing.

2/4 blog homework

Posted on February 5th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Cooking/baking- I cooked and baked growing up with my Mom all the time. It has taught me hwo to cook and bake on my own today. I know how to follow instructions and directions on many different items that I cook or bake now. I remember a specific time when we made christmas cookies for our old neighbors at our old house. I will use this for my focus on my narrative.

Journal-Growing up I kept a journal and would write anything in it. If there was something that I needed to get off my chest, I would write in it. It taught me to not bottle things up inside and just get my thoughts and ideas down on paper. I still do this to this day.

Pretend Teacher- Growing up I would always pretend I was a teacher and I would read allowed to invisible students of mine. It increased my reading ability and my vocabulary at a young age.

TV- My family used to watch a specific tv show with my family at a specific time every week. It taught me the quality of family time and that tv is ok in moderation.

Building a house- Growing up, we had the house we live in now, built. This helped me better understand the entire process of how a house is built and what all goes into it. It increased my knowledge because we had to read blue prints all the time.

2/4 What is a narrative?

Posted on February 4th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

To me a narrative is a way of telling a story that happened. It can be from your perspective, and it can include: your thoughts, feelings, opinions etc. A narrative doesn’t have to be from your perspective though, unless it is a personal narrative. A narrative is created in a constructive format (written, spoken, poetry, prose, images, or even song) that describes a sequence of real or made up events. A narrative tells a story. For me, reading or writing a narrative is always a little bit of a challenge. I usually don’t know where to begin or what I really want to say. If it is a personal narrative, I usually do not enjoy reading them aloud because it is personal and I worry sometimes what people will think.

1/30 Reflection

Posted on January 30th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Today in our group, we all went around and talked about what each person is doing for their visual narrative. It seems that each person in my group is pretty much doing the same thing. They are atleast going along the same idea of a collage. I think that each persons really sounds good too. I talked to Brittany about citing. I was wondering about citing a magazine picture. She also told us that if we are using clip art from microsoft word then we are ok not to cite them. I also found out that we can take pictures on our own of ourselves or of different items we do not have to cite those either because they are of us. I feel a little behind and a little stressed because of being gone for a week but I think I should be ok. I think I can get this done and make a good product as well. I will just continue to work with Brittany via email and hope that I know what I am talking about. No one really had too many comments for me because I haven’t been here and I really didn’t have a detailed outline of exactly everything that I am doing; however, I was able to give a pretty good idea to them. I think I am on the right track though. It seems that their repsonses to my idea were all pretty positive which always good! Hopefully I can go through this project with very little frustrations!

1/30 Visual Narrative Assignment

Posted on January 30th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Although I have been gone for a week, I think I have some what of an idea of how I want to do my visual narrative project. I think for me, the best way would be a collage. If I can find pictures of the different ways I believe that I use literacy in my daily life and can put them together in a neat and organized way, then I think that will work well for me. I am not totally sure if I will use magazine pictures or google images or what… but I will basically be finding the pictures and cutting them and pasting them on something like a poster board.

1/21 About Page

Posted on January 28th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I updated the about page but it showed up on another page other than the one with the rest of my blogs. I just wanted to add a blog for the about page so that it could be accounted for.


Posted on January 28th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I think we use visuals because it helps get the point across sometimes. It helps the viewer/reader get a better idea of the whole idea. Sometimes a visual can explain something better than words ever could which is why they are helpful in a communication role. Visuals are almost always helpful in almost any situation. Sometimes visuals can tell a story or explain something with only a picture explination. Another reason for visuals is because some of us can learn in a hands-on environment and some of us learn better by looking at something. Sometimes students cant understand something as well unless they have a visual to look at. Visuals are great teaching tools in any situation. I will definitely be using visuals in my future career. Being a future teacher, I believe that visuals are very important.

1/26 good and bad narratives

Posted on January 28th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I believe that good narratives are basically made up of pictures that say a thousand words. If you have good pictures with good descriptions, you basically have a good narrative. Another way of looking at it is if you can have pictures basically tell your story. The better the material makes sense and flows together and can tell a story the better the narrative will be.

I believe that in order to have a bad narrative, you really must not be making sense. Your pictures aren’t the best and don’t really tell a story and the flow of the narrative of as a whole is lacking. As I said before, it has to flow and be able to make sense in a story like form. If your narrative can’t or isn’t doing that then I would say it qualifies as a bad narrative.

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