Blog 4/1

Posted on April 1st, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I feel that I was able to write the essay with a good flow and good detail. I tried to make it organized and include all of the things that we had talked about in class as far as what is important to put in the analysis.

Some of the weaknesses that I think I had were making sure that I cited the PSA enough and making sure I distinguished between the PSA and the actual Ad Council website. I also don’t know if I used enough examples, while I tried to include as many as I could to still make the paper flow, and because I am not totally sure how many the paper really needed to have, I hope that I did this well.

Overall, I feel that I did a good job on this analysis, especially since I was pretty confused at the beginning!

Blog 3/30

Posted on March 30th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

To me, revision means a chance to go back over your paper and fix mistakes that you made. Usually revisions are conducted after you get your paper back and see what you need to correct. I ususally go back through the paper and see where I need to re-word something or fix a grammatical error etc. Revising is done because it helps make your paper better. Sometimes teachers can revise but most of the time I would revise my own paper-especially since I know the paper better than anyone since I wrote it!

Blog 3/27

Posted on March 27th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

With peer reivew, I learned that I have a good intro, I followed my thesis well, and I used certain examples from the PSA. It helped to know that I was on the right track.

I will be going over your comments today and seeing what I can fix.

Trying to find more detail

Also making sure that I am citing everything I need to and putting it in the right order.

Blog 3/25

Posted on March 25th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

The problems that I find myself having with my rhetorical analysis is that I cannot make it flow. I also am having trouble coming up with 3-5 pages on a 34 second PSA without repeating myself. I feel that I have a good start on it, but I am still struggling these things. I also am worried that I am not answering all of the questions the way that you want them answered. I feel like I am going to think its good and turn it in and get it back with a crappy grade on it. I don’t think that my order of paragraphs is correct either, but how do you TRULY know what is correct and what isn’t? -will I get points off because my paragraphs aren’t in the correct order?

Blog 3/23

Posted on March 23rd, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate
  • make sure the original author is stated and states credibility
  • it provides background info
  • good intro/thesis
  • makes clear points about the PSA
  • is well written and has complete thoughts
  • looks at who why what and how the PSA is made

citation for PSA:

Ad Council. “Father Involvement-PSA.” 12 June 2008. You Tube. Video. 20 March 2009. <>.

Rhetorical Analysis PSA

Posted on March 18th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I want to use this PSA because I used to be a cheerleader. It was my entire life. I cheered for 12 years and when I was younger, we used to have a father-daughter dance every year. It was always really important to me and because my parents got divorced when I was 2, I had not only my dad out there with me but also my step-dad. It was always just an awesome time and seeing this PSA really reminds me of it. I had never seen it before it was shown in class, and the minute I saw it, it just made so many memories come back!

Blog 3/18

Posted on March 18th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Techniques that I noticed in the analysis was making sure they mentioned the the section that they wrote on and where it was found. They gave backgroung to Powells view and stated what the original author’s purpose was as well.

I think that in an introduction, you should be sure to include the original piece’s title and where it came from. I think that stating what the original author’s purpose is is a good thing to include as well. Giving examples are good too because it helps back up the analysis as a whole. I also think that it needs to grab the readers attention and include a thesis. Giving background info is good too!

Blog 3/16

Posted on March 16th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Spring Break was amazing. I went to Sarasota, Florida and spent time with my family. I layed out a lot and went to 2 Cincinnati Reds Spring Training games. While we were at the game, we got Brandon Phillips picture and two autographs. It was so much fun! We also went out on a boat and had a dolphin come right up to our boat. I got to ride a jet ski and go to the beach/pool throughout my week as well. I had a great time and did NOT want to leave at all. The weather was absolutly perfect every day we were there too! This break was very well needed for me. It was just getting to that point in the semester where I needed a week off of everything to not think about school and projects and all the stress that comes with it. I had all of my work done before I left so I didn’t have to do any school work over break or as soon as I got back. It was wonderful!

3/6 Blog

Posted on March 6th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

The only time I have ever done a portfolio is in Eng 111 and 112. We basically wrote 4-5 different papers and then turned them all in again at the end of the semester for another evaluation. I guess I don’t really understand the point of portfolios when it comes to re-evaluating. I understand Portfolios in terms of getting your work all together in a neat and organized fashion but why re-evaluate? The teacher wouldn’t have given me the grade the first time that they did if they didn’t think that that is what it deserved…right?!

3/4 Blog

Posted on March 4th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I see our project relating to literacy because we are using technology first of all. By showing the computers in our PSA we are showing how communication can become easier. We also are communicating to future teachers, to be careful what you post online. We are telling them verbally that sometimes you can get caught in situations that could hurt your repuation and credibility as a future educator for children. You want to be a positive influence as a teacher, and by posting things that could represent a negative aspect, you are not being a good role model. All of this has to do with literacy and credibility/communication to future teachers.

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