
Posted on January 14th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Going into this class I was really unsure of what it really consisted of. I am still a little unsure; however, I expect from this class to learn how to write better and have a better understanding of literacy as a whole. I would like to be able to read and write with a purpose.

I think that as far as literacy goes, it is a concept beyond just knowing how to read or write. I think there is a point with literacy where you have to actually understand what you are reading, not just looking over the words. Literacy is having the skills to read and write on a level of comprehention that others share as well. It is making sense of your words and being able to explain what you are trying to say. I think that being literate is very important in today’s world.

I believe that everyone writes for a different reason. Sometimes people write for assignments because we have to and other times people write just for enjoyment. I think sometimes we write to get things ideas we have down on paper and sometimes it is just to vent about things going on in our life. I know that I have wrote things out just to get them off my chest and feel better about something. I believe that everyone writes for different reasons.

One thought on “1/14

  1.   bcottri said,

    on January 15th, 2009 at 5:54 pm     

    Wonderful job, Lauren. I like how you thought about literacy as more than just reading and writing, but also added the understanding factor. That’s a great point that you’ll want to keep in mind in class on Friday and also throughout the semester.

    As for writing, you again raise a good point. Lots of us write to understand how we’re feeling or to just deal with things.

    Nice work!

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