Blog 4/24

Posted on April 24th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I liked the blog idea because I think it is a good way for you to hear from us all individually. However, I don’t know that I liked having to do one or two every single class. I think maybe once a week and then a comment on someone’s would have been enough to still be able to hear from us and we could would still be able to get the experience and learn about the whole blogging process. This semester was the first semester that I really really used the blogs here at BG. I used them in more than one class, and in the other classes, we were just to post things that were due that day for class. I didn’t like this as much because we also had to turn in a hard copy of the assignment as well… so it was like doing it twice and I just kind of found it to be a little unnecessary. I liked being able to let you know what I thought about whatever the prompt was; however, sometimes I had nothing to say to the prompt and felt like I had to make something up just to get the points. I didn’t like this because I didn’t feel like it was me! Overall, I didn’t mind the blogging process this semester for this class. I think that since you are such a huge fan of blogging you should definitely keep it in your semester content, maybe just modify it a little bit!

6 thoughts on “Blog 4/24

  1.   robharr said,

    on April 24th, 2009 at 9:44 am     

    You said it perfectly, actually your’s is pretty much exactly like mine when you said we should do it once a week. I felt that topics were too repetetive and we had to say the same things over and over and make stuff up. Yea I agree that she should keep using it, but definately modify it so the class isn’t Blogging 207.

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