Blog 3/25

Posted on March 25th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

The problems that I find myself having with my rhetorical analysis is that I cannot make it flow. I also am having trouble coming up with 3-5 pages on a 34 second PSA without repeating myself. I feel that I have a good start on it, but I am still struggling these things. I also am worried that I am not answering all of the questions the way that you want them answered. I feel like I am going to think its good and turn it in and get it back with a crappy grade on it. I don’t think that my order of paragraphs is correct either, but how do you TRULY know what is correct and what isn’t? -will I get points off because my paragraphs aren’t in the correct order?

One thought on “Blog 3/25

  1.   Brittany said,

    on March 25th, 2009 at 1:37 pm     


    You’re right, there isn’t a “correct” order for paragraphs. However, something to keep in mind is that it needs to be clear/make sense how your paragraphs are ordered and why one comes after the other.

    I know we talked earlier and I suggested you submit a draft. When I get it I’ll look over it, provide feedback, and return it and hopefully that will set your mind at ease.

    Let me know if you have more questions.

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