Blog 3/23

Posted on March 23rd, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate
  • make sure the original author is stated and states credibility
  • it provides background info
  • good intro/thesis
  • makes clear points about the PSA
  • is well written and has complete thoughts
  • looks at who why what and how the PSA is made

citation for PSA:

Ad Council. “Father Involvement-PSA.” 12 June 2008. You Tube. Video. 20 March 2009. <>.

One thought on “Blog 3/23

  1.   bcottri said,

    on March 23rd, 2009 at 3:29 pm     

    Nice list, Lauren. Your criteria are very important for overall writing and for the rhetorical analysis. I wish you would have shared some of your ideas in class. Nice work – keep it up.

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