Blog 3/16

Posted on March 16th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Spring Break was amazing. I went to Sarasota, Florida and spent time with my family. I layed out a lot and went to 2 Cincinnati Reds Spring Training games. While we were at the game, we got Brandon Phillips picture and two autographs. It was so much fun! We also went out on a boat and had a dolphin come right up to our boat. I got to ride a jet ski and go to the beach/pool throughout my week as well. I had a great time and did NOT want to leave at all. The weather was absolutly perfect every day we were there too! This break was very well needed for me. It was just getting to that point in the semester where I needed a week off of everything to not think about school and projects and all the stress that comes with it. I had all of my work done before I left so I didn’t have to do any school work over break or as soon as I got back. It was wonderful!

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