3/6 Blog

Posted on March 6th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

The only time I have ever done a portfolio is in Eng 111 and 112. We basically wrote 4-5 different papers and then turned them all in again at the end of the semester for another evaluation. I guess I don’t really understand the point of portfolios when it comes to re-evaluating. I understand Portfolios in terms of getting your work all together in a neat and organized fashion but why re-evaluate? The teacher wouldn’t have given me the grade the first time that they did if they didn’t think that that is what it deserved…right?!

5 thoughts on “3/6 Blog

  1.   yoderd said,

    on March 6th, 2009 at 10:49 am     

    I have very simular fealing about the porfolio process. I belive we are able to fix up our past projects for the portfolio for a better grade. I think that the portfolio makes sense for this course and is not like our past portfolio exsperiance.

  2.   bcottri said,

    on March 8th, 2009 at 12:15 pm     

    I understand your feelings, Lauren. The portfolio process you’re talking about is a bit more difficult to understand I think (especially from a student perspective). However, as Danny said in his comment, the portfolios in this class will be more a revision portfolio (and also a showcase to share the work you’ve all done this semester). Don’t worry about them over break obviously, but portfolios will be one of the first things we’re going to talk about when we get from spring break.

    Also, I really like this layout. I know you said you didn’t even realize you’d changed it but I like it.

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