2/25 Blog

Posted on February 25th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I think that a computer is an important tool to have in school because it allows students to have so many sources for furthering their konwledge. There are so many programs that someone can put on their computer to help a child learn, and there are also so many different websites that are out there to help students learn as well. I think that not only can a computer help students learn, but it also makes everything a lot easier once the kids learn how to use all the different aspects of a computer. It makes things such as communitcation go a lot fast as well.


A Police Officer

I believe that a computer is an important tool to have in school because it allows students to have so many sources for furthering their konwledge.It could be a tool that your own child uses. There are so many programs that someone can put on their computer to help your child learn, and there are also so many different websites that are out there to help your child learn as well. I think that not only can a computer help students learn, but it also makes everything a lot easier once the kids learn how to use all the different aspects of a computer. It makes things such as communitcation go a lot fast as well. It also can help them learn about technology and all of the different aspects that are within technology too. I think that a computer would be a great tool for learning in school and could possibly help your own kids a lot.

8 thoughts on “2/25 Blog

  1.   bcottri said,

    on February 25th, 2009 at 4:27 pm     

    Nice job, Lauren. In your audience revision you clearly thought about what your reader, a police officer, might care about. By touching on the officer’s potential child and making them see why computers are important fr their kids you help the alternative audience, the police officer, care about your argument and relate to it. This is such an important task in arguments and crafting texts (be they written or video), for a specific reader.

    Great job!

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