2/20 PSA Analysis Activity

Posted on February 20th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

The actors portray the message by spreading the picture around the school and gossiping about it. The girl that is in the picture is extremely embarrassed and her ripping it down her picture from the board. There really are not any words being spoken throughout the commercial thought.

The embarrassment of the girl and the gossiping and surprised students are persuasive in the sense that it makes you not want topost anything online because it shows what might happen in your own school.

The voiceover is powerful at the end; however it only says a few words. While they are powerful, I still think that the message it delivered could have been even stronger.

Text is only used at the end to state the organization and the ending message about who might see your picture online. While it is not used a lot, I think that it still gets the message across.

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