2/18 Blog

Posted on February 18th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I think the biggest role technology plays for the general public is proabably cell phones. I don’t know how the world would function without them. I know that some people still to this day do not own one, but when I think back to how we all communicated before cell phones… I really don’t know! I think that as a form of communication, they are wonderful! I also think that e-mail has been a huge technology item that the general public uses. When I think of certain offices and practices e-mailing certain things for people to read over and articles being sent for things like a newspapers to be edited, I realize how much easier technology has made the general publics life. Even as students, our lives have been made easier via e-mail and cell phones. Things like computers as a whole… word documents, power points… etc. have been made so much easier for us students. It helps as far as literacy goes because most of the time, it still has to do with reading and writing… just in a faster and easier way. Overall, I think that technology has had a huge impact on everyone!

One thought on “2/18 Blog

  1.   jross said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 3:15 pm     

    Lauren, I would definetly have to agree with the fact that cell phone use is very crucial to the communication of thousands/millions on a daily basis. You also made a good point about how emails and technology make certain tasks so much easier. Its almost scary to wonder what would we do without such convienence. Have we grown so accustomed to this new convienece that if it were to be taken away we wouldn’t know how to function? Look at the billionares across the globe who are commiting suicide and are going insane because they can’t live the lives they’ve become accustomed to. Its not directly a response from losing technology but it has the same analogical concept.

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