2/13 Monster Blog

Posted on February 13th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Today I drew a monster in class. He really just looked like a scary person when I was done. His skin was green, and he was wearing a red shirt with a pair of blue pants. He had angry eyebrows and a scary mouth. His head was bigger than his actual body. When I think about… this really isn’t what I picture a monster to be so I am not totally sure where this came from in my head.

One thought on “2/13 Monster Blog

  1.   lsaaved said,

    on February 13th, 2009 at 10:58 am     

    I just wanted to say that I loved your monster and I think you had really great creative details. All in all, our pictures came out pretty close and I believe it was because you included a very detailed response about your monster. I think the only thing I did not get right was the hair, but everything else turned out great!

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