2/25 Blog

Posted on February 25th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I think that a computer is an important tool to have in school because it allows students to have so many sources for furthering their konwledge. There are so many programs that someone can put on their computer to help a child learn, and there are also so many different websites that are out there […]

2/23 Blog

Posted on February 23rd, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

PSA Criteria: -make sure it is an actual PSA (covering a certain issue) -make sure it is only covering ONE issue -make sure it is at least 30 seconds long -provides a clear message -how effective is it -it should be clear that it is targeting a specific audience

2/23 Homework

Posted on February 22nd, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

1. Against Drunk Driving 2. Young drivers and people that drink (whether it be older than 21 years old or younger) 3. Video   1. Treating others how you want to be treated…Stop Bullying 2. Kids in school… any age really K-12 grades 3. video   1. Be careful what you post 2. Kids that […]

2/20 PSA Analysis Activity

Posted on February 20th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

The actors portray the message by spreading the picture around the school and gossiping about it. The girl that is in the picture is extremely embarrassed and her ripping it down her picture from the board. There really are not any words being spoken throughout the commercial thought. The embarrassment of the girl and the […]

2/20 Blog

Posted on February 20th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I found the statistics about 17-year-olds being about to read to be very interesting and a little sad. As a 21 year old, I cannot imagine not being able to read and understand something like a local newpaper. The health and literacy statistic about 31% of asthma patients at the third grade reading level is crazy. […]

2/18 Blog

Posted on February 18th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I think the biggest role technology plays for the general public is proabably cell phones. I don’t know how the world would function without them. I know that some people still to this day do not own one, but when I think back to how we all communicated before cell phones… I really don’t know! […]

2/16 Peer Review

Posted on February 16th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

In the past, when I would do peer workshops, sometimes they have worked and sometimes they have been a waste of time. I think it depends on the teacher and the class itself for whether it will work or not. I like getting feed back on my paper but honestly it is hard to take […]

2/13 Monster Blog

Posted on February 13th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Today I drew a monster in class. He really just looked like a scary person when I was done. His skin was green, and he was wearing a red shirt with a pair of blue pants. He had angry eyebrows and a scary mouth. His head was bigger than his actual body. When I think […]

Homework 2/11

Posted on February 10th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I decided to use Pathos. I feel like I am always finding an emotional connection to things in my life. To me, that is what pathos is, an emotional connection. I believe that when pathos is involved, someone is trying to get the audiences emotional side. They are trying to connect with the audience on […]

2/9 Blog

Posted on February 9th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

I believe a good narrative stands out from others. It should include an event that has happened to someone that made an impact on them some way, some how. It should tell a story to the point that a reader can almost imagine it happening to themselves. I think a good narrative should grab your […]

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